Exam Prep Blog

ASWB Exam Prep: Interpersonal Psychotherapy

By Heidi Tobe on October 5, 2022

As we discussed last month in our blog on Gestalt Therapy, a challenge of the ASWB LMSW and LCSW exams is the breadth of content that can be tested. In particular, many different therapy theories can show up on the test. So today we cover another less commonly tested theory: Interpersonal

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ASWB Exam Prep: Gestalt Therapy

By Heidi Tobe on September 12, 2022

One of the challenges of the ASWB LMSW and LCSW exams are the breadth of content that can be tested. One particularly dense area of content are the many therapy theories. Today we delve into a less commonly tested theory, but one that does show up from time to time: Gestalt. In addition to covering

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Law and Ethics Exam Prep: Mandated Reporting

By Maria Denardo on August 22, 2022

“My client disclosed XYZ. Is that a mandated report?” This is one of the most common questions that I hear among trainees and associates, who often feel anxious about mandated reporting in the earlier stages of their career. It’s an incredibly important subject to know how to navigate legally and

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LCSW Exam Prep: Clinical Documentation

By Heidi Tobe on August 8, 2022

This month’s ASWB LMSW and LCSW topic is one that is important well beyond the exam: Clinical Documentation. Even our code of ethics speaks to the importance of clinical documentation. “Social workers should take reasonable steps to ensure that documentation in records is accurate and reflects the

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ASWB Exam Prep: Clinical Assessment

By Heidi Tobe on July 13, 2022

Today’s ASWB social work blog topic is one that is important for both the exams and our clinical practice: clinical assessment. In fact, this topic is so important that TDC created a six hour clinical assessment course on life stressors and coping. While this course goes into more depth than will be

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ASWB: Domestic Violence Updates

By Heidi Tobe on June 29, 2022

If you’ve taken any of the ASWB social work exams, you’ve probably seen a number of questions on domestic violence. Because of this, we've made some awesome domestic violence updates in our programs. (More on this below). These updates will show up in both our LMSW Exam Prep and our LCSW Exam Prep

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ASWB Exam Prep: Ethics and Discipline

By Heidi Tobe on June 13, 2022

As I coach our LMSW and LCSW customers, the question of the ‘why’-the purpose of the test- sometimes comes up. Ultimately, the ASWB exists for the purpose of public safety. The ASWB exists to be a gatekeeper to the profession, ensuring licensed social workers are able to practice safely and

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ASWB Exam Prep: HIV

By Heidi Tobe on May 2, 2022

As a coach, I get a lot of questions on HIV and how it will show up on the exam. Are we required to maintain confidentiality of a person’s status? What if they are having unprotected sex and not telling their partner(s)? Doesn’t this fall under duty to warn? HIV on the LMSW and LCSW exams These are

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MFT Practice Question: Suicide

By Asya Mourraille on April 27, 2022

In this month’s MFT FREE practice question we are talking about suicide. This is an important and relevant topic, not only because you are guaranteed to see it on the exam, but also because it is a major public health concern and something every therapist will deal with in the course of their

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ASWB Exam Prep: Suicide

By Heidi Tobe on April 11, 2022

Today’s topic is one near and dear to us here at TDC-suicide. If you haven’t already heard, I’m excited to share with you that Amanda Rowan’s incomparable 6 hour suicide training is here. On the Edge of Life: Introduction to Treating Suicidality brings a new perspective to the conceptualization and

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TDC’s 6HR Suicide Training is Here!

By Amanda Rowan on March 28, 2022

Imagine sitting on the Edge of Life with the person in the picture. What emotions do you experience? What physical sensations arise? What thoughts do you have? Treating suicidality is scary for both the patient and the therapist. To help clients move away from the edge, we must first be able to

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BBS Alert: 2022 Supervision Changes

By Robin Gluck on January 9, 2022

8 BBS supervision changes every licensed and pre-licensed clinician should be aware of: On January 1st, 2022, a significant number of changes impacting supervision in California took effect. Some of these changes are designed to streamline documentation for trainees and associates, while other

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