Looking to become a California MFT and planning to take both the MFT Law & Ethics Exam and the MFT Clinical Exam with the BBS? By purchasing the combo package now, you’ll receive both of TDC’s California MFT Exam prep programs at a big discounted rate. The MFT Combo Package includes online access to everything you need to PASS WITH CONFIDENCE including, audio workshops, step-by-step study plans, practice exams, coaching and more. Both the MFT Law and Ethics and the Clinical Exam programs are designed to maximize learning and minimize stress.
To learn more about what each individual program entails check them out here:
Frequently Asked Questions
The BBS provides accommodations for the California Clinical MFT Exam. If you have a physical or mental health disability you may request accommodations such as additional time, a private room, or a written version of the exam. The BBS will determine which accommodations you qualify for based on the information provided in your request for testing accommodations application. The BBS also provides additional time (time and a half, 6 hours) for the MFT Clinical Exam for English as a Second Language (ESL) applicants who meet the requirements enumerated on the ESL accommodations application.
- Celebrate this awesome achievement!
- Submit application for your initial license.
- Continue receiving supervision until your license is issued.
The MFT Clinical Exam covers a broad range of subjects including treatment, treatment planning, law and ethics, clinical evaluation, and crisis management. Not only do you need to know the subject matters, the BBS wants to ensure you know how to apply this knowledge in different clinical situations. The majority of questions on the MFT Clinical Exam are considered reasoning-based questions. Therapist Development Center’s program provides a streamlined approach, teaching you the all of the information you need to learn and how to apply this knowledge to the questions that are likely to appear on the exam.
The application processing time for the California Clinical MFT Exam can vary based on volume of applications and staffing levels at the BBS. In recent months, the BBS has kept processing time for the MFT California Clinical Exam down to 1-2 months. If you are applying for accommodations (see below), processing times can vary and it is important to begin this process as soon as you submit your application for the MFT Clinical Exam.
The BBS publishes the pass rates for all licensing exams in their quarterly Board Meeting materials. The most recent data available shows the pass rate for first time test takers of the California Clinical MFT Exam in the first half of 2018 was over 70%. Since the new MFT Clinical Exam was launched in 2016, Therapist Development Center pass rate has remained above 90% for individuals who used our comprehensive program!
The BBS no longer publishes the passing score for any of their exams, including the MFT Clinical Exam. However, based on the published scores that were shared in prior years, the passing score was typically in the range of 97-103 out of 150 scored questions (mid-60%). The passing score will fluctuate up or down based on the level of difficulty; the passing score will be lower if the exam is considered harder and higher if it is considered easier. In addition to the 150 scored questions, the MFT Clinical Exam will always include 20 questions that are considered experimental and will not count toward your final score.
The MFT Clinical Exam is a standardized 170 question multiple-choice question test. 150 of the test questions are scored, and 20 are experimental and do not count toward your final score. Test takers are granted 4 hours to complete the exam questions. Accommodations for additional time can be requested through the BBS for English as a Second Language (ESL) test takers and those with physical or mental health issues who qualify through the Americans with Disabilities Act.
The MFT Clinical Exam is the final step on the path to licensure. The following requirements must be satisfied to be eligible to sit for the California MFT Clinical Exam:
- Obtain qualifying master’s degree and complete additional coursework
- Completion of 3,000 hours of experience over the course of 104 weeks or more
- Take and pass the CA Law and Ethics Exam (once you pass, you do not need to take the exam again)
- Submit application for licensure and examination to the BBS: https://www.bbs.ca.gov/pdf/forms/mft/mftapp.pdf
- You must take the exam within one year from the date you receive initial approval. If you do not complete the exam in this timeframe, your application will be considered abandoned. If an application is abandoned, you would need to re-apply and would lose any hours of experience that are more than six (6) years old (with exception of 500 hours accrued as trainee)
TDC has everything you need to pass the LMCE; I highly recommended.
I purchased the LMFT study program in January 2021, hoping to finish my internship hours in June and take my licensing exam shortly thereafter. Unfortunately, I experienced numerous setbacks with the BBS, and I wasn't approved to take my exam until May 2022. During that time I requested program extensions 4 times, once after a previous extension had expired. And the TDC staff never hesitated to provide the extensions I needed! I am so grateful for their quality study material and practice exams; I passed on my first attempt!
Thank you for your program. I listened over and over.