Social Work Exam Prep Overview
Do you want to pass the Social Work CLINICAL LEVEL Exam administered by the ASWB?
Study with the best reviewed Social Work Exam Prep in the country. We've helped thousands of social workers pass their LCSW Exam.
- Up-to-date for 2025
- We have a 95% pass rate with our LCSW Exam Prep Study System.
- We are with you until you pass - extensions are free and you can repeat the program as needed.
- We've created a comprehensive online study system designed to help you pass the LCSW exam with confidence.
- We provide a step-by-step study plan to organize your time efficiently. Most programs give you a stack of books and expect you to figure out how to organize your time.
- Our program was created based on the neuroscience of learning so you learn the information quickly and retain the information easily.
- We've designed interactive lessons that include handouts, audio lectures, quizzes and practice exams that cover the content and clinical skills that will be tested. You won’t get bored studying with us!
- Coaches are available to answer questions you have while studying. Our exam prep coaches have all scored 90% or higher - They know the social work licensing exams!
- We provide essential test taking strategies you will use on exam day. These strategies will help with anxiety management and our users report increased confidence and decreased anxiety after going through our program.
- This social work test prep course can be completed once with 57 hours of studying and can be repeated as needed. LCSW Exam Coaches are available for questions while you are preparing to PASS. 95% of social workers pass on the first try using our study system. You're next.
Check out a recent review from Ashley Mullica, who passed using our LCSW Exam Prep: "This was the only study system I used to prep for the LCSW exam. I found it to be very well organized, concise, and easy to follow. I was not surprised by anything on the test and felt well prepared. One of the things I appreciated most about the program was the access to coaches. I was lucky enough to work with Bethany who was extremely knowledgeable and always answered my questions very promptly. There honestly isn't a thing I would change with the program and I know it helped me pass with flying colors with a 91%! I would highly recommend this study guide to anyone looking to pass the ASWB CLINICAL exam!"
Do you want to pass the Social Work MASTERS LEVEL Exam administered by the ASWB?
Study with the #1 rated social work exam prep in the United States. Our program will help you pass the LMSW Exam.
- Up-to-date for 2025
- 95% of social workers passed using our LMSW Exam study system.
- Our comprehensive online study system was designed to help you pass the LMSW exam with confidence.
- We organize your time efficiently with our easy to follow study plan with 10 clear steps to success.
- Our interactive lessons were designed to effectively cover the essential content from multiple perspectives for all types of learners and include LMSW exam study guides, handouts, audio lectures, quizzes and practice exams that cover the content and clinical skills that will be tested.
- We also provide essential test taking strategies you will use on exam day, because knowing the content is only half the battle. To pass the LMSW exam you are going to need to know what the ASWB is asking and how to figure out the answer they are looking for.
- You only need 50 hours of studying to complete the master’s level social work exam prep course and it can be repeated as needed.
- Our excellent LMSW Exam coaches are available for questions while you are preparing to PASS.
- Note: if you are studying for the Michigan LMSW exam, you want to make sure you purchase our clinical level program described above.
Do you want to pass the California LCSW Law and Ethics Exam?
Therapist Development Center offers the most efficient and effective study system on the market. The California LCSW Law and Ethics Exam requires more than memorizing the laws and ethical standards; you need to know how to apply them to complex clinical situations that require critical thinking about which legal and ethical issues are the priority. More about our Social Work Exam Prep program:
- We organize your studying into an easy to follow plan and timeline with 10 clear steps to success.
- We are the only program that provides the test taking strategies that are essential for success.
- We are the only program that provides access to coaches you can reach out to with questions while you are studying.
- The Law & Ethics Exam Prep program can be completed in 35 hours and repeated as needed.
- Once you purchase the online study program, we are “with you until you pass” – you never have to pay to extend or repeat the program.