Exam Prep Blog

Applicants Wanted for our CE Oversight Committee!

By Todd Pellegrino on December 7, 2021

Dear TDC Community Member, The Therapist Development Center is recruiting members for our new Continuing Education Oversight Committee. We plan to bring together a diverse group of LICENSED therapists from a range of clinical backgrounds to provide quality assurance through on-going guidance and

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Negative Reinforcement: Application Question

By Heidi Tobe on November 1, 2021

We’re back with more on negative reinforcement! Today wraps up our series comparing recall vs. application vs. reasoning questions. Throughout 2021, every two months we’ve taken a topic that could show up on the ASWB exams and compared two ways it could be tested. February and March covered

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Negative Reinforcement: There's nothing 'negative' about it

By Heidi Tobe on October 4, 2021

So, after a 2 month hiatus to cover recent changes to the NASW code of ethics, we are back with another ASWB practice question! This month we continue our series comparing recall vs. application vs. reasoning questions. Every two months this year, we're taking a topic that could show up on the ASWB

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NASW Code of Ethics Updates: Cultural Competence

By Heidi Tobe on September 13, 2021

You may or may not have heard that the NASW recently published revisions to the social work code of ethics. While minor, these revisions are so important to our field (and in my opinion, were a long time coming!). These changes fall into two main categories: self-care and cultural competence. Last

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Behind the Questions: Understanding the ASWB Exam

By Amanda Rowan on September 2, 2021

For many social workers, ASWB exam registration means facing one of their biggest fears: taking an exam. Anxiety sets in when we have to face the unknown. Understanding how tests like the ASWB exam are developed can help to demystify the process, and guide your studying process. Test anxiety is real

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ASWB Exam Registration - What You Need to Know

By Amanda Rowan on August 30, 2021

Hello Social Workers! If you are looking for information about the ASWB exam registration and how to get starting, congratulations! That means you have already shown your determination and commitment to becoming a Social Worker. Now, all you need to do is pass your exam. First things first... Before

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MFT Practice Question: Conservatorship

By Robin Gluck on August 3, 2021

In this month’s MFT FREE practice question we will revisit a topic that has recently received attention in the national media: mental health conservatorships. If you keep up with pop culture, you’ve likely heard about, if not watched, Framing Britney Spears. A diverse group of people including

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NASW Code of Ethics Updates: Self Care

By Heidi Tobe on August 3, 2021

The NASW recently published revisions to the social work code of ethics. While minor in terms of how this will impact the exam (more on that later), these revisions are crucial to our field. These changes to the code of ethics fall into two main categories: self-care and cultural competency. This

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ASWB Practice Question: Bipolar Disorder

By Heidi Tobe on July 5, 2021

Last month we discussed the differences between Bipolar Disorder 1 and 2 and offered an application question to test your knowledge on this topic. This month we’re back with a reasoning based question to help show how the same topic can be tested in different ways on the ASWB social work exams. Let

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ASWB Practice Question: Bipolar Disorder Recall

By Heidi Tobe on June 7, 2021

This month we are continuing our series comparing recall vs. reasoning questions. Every two months, we are taking a topic that could show up on the ASWB exam and are first doing a recall (or application) question on the topic. Then the next month we come back with a reasoning question on that same

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MFT Practice Question: Human Diversity

By Robin Gluck on May 31, 2021

This month’s blog will focus on human diversity, a topic that is at the forefront of public discourse. Whether you are taking the California MFT Clinical or the National AMFTRB exam, you can definitely expect to see questions that test your understanding and ability to navigate issues related to

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ASWB Reasoning Practice: Antisocial Personality Disorder

By Heidi Tobe on May 3, 2021

We're back this month with more on Antisocial Personality Disorder. As discussed in our April blog, every other month we are covering a topic and comparing how that topic could show up on the exam in a recall vs. reasoning question. In February and March we covered Narcissistic Personality Disorder

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