Exam Prep Blog

MFT Practice: Paraphilic Disorders

By Robin Gluck on April 28, 2021

This month’s blog focuses on a lesser known diagnostic category, which could appear on both the California MFT Clinical or AMFTRB exams; paraphilic disorders. While these disorders may not be seen frequently in clinical practice, they can show up on the exam. The 8 types of paraphilic disorders in

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ASWB Practice: Antisocial Personality Disorder Recall

By Heidi Tobe on April 5, 2021

This year, we’ve decided to try something new with our social work blogs to help highlight the different types of questions on the social work exams. When covering a new topic, we’ll take the first month to do a recall question on that topic. After that, the next month we’ll take the same topic and

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MFT Free Practice Question: Psychosexual Stages

By Robin Gluck on March 26, 2021

This month’s blog will focus on Freud’s theory of psychosexual development. Whether you are taking the MFT California Clinical Written Exam or the AMFTRB exam, you could see questions that test your knowledge on this topic. With that in mind, let’s do a quick review of Freud’s theory of psychosexual

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Narcissistic Personality Disorder on the ASWB exam

By Heidi Tobe on March 1, 2021

Today we're back with more on Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). As mentioned in last month’s blog, every other month for the next several months, we are covering a topic and comparing a recall vs. reasoning question to highlight how the same topic can be tested in different ways. Last month’s

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MFT Free Practice Question: Case Conceptualization

By Robin Gluck on February 24, 2021

This month’s blog will focus on the topic of case conceptualization. The ability of an MFT to conceptualize their client’s presenting issues and use that to inform their treatment plan has a direct relationship to the effectiveness of therapy. Case conceptualization is an integral part of our

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ASWB Practice Question: Narcissistic Personality Disorder Recall

By Heidi Tobe on February 1, 2021

Over the next several months, we are going to be trying something new with our social work blogs to highlight the differences in the types of questions that show up on the ASWB exam. One month we are going to do a recall question of a topic. The next month, we are going to take the same topic, but

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ASWB Exam Prep: Seeking Supervision

By Heidi Tobe on January 4, 2021

In last month’s ASWB exam prep blog, we covered the topic of consultation with colleagues. We discussed when to (and when not to) choose this answer option on the exam. Sometimes the exam will present you both with the answer option to 'consult with colleagues' as well as the option to 'seek

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MFT Free Practice Question: Telehealth

By Robin Gluck on December 23, 2020

The prevalence of telehealth for mental health counseling has been on the rise in recent years. However, since COVID-19 stay-at-home orders were implemented in early 2020, telehealth services have grown exponentially. As a consequence, the number of questions I receive on this topic are higher than

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ASWB Exam Prep: Consultation

By Heidi Tobe on December 7, 2020

On the ASWB exams (both LMSW and LCSW), there are many reasoning based scenario questions that offer the answer option ‘consult with colleagues.’ I’ve had a number of social workers email me coaching questions about this, sharing their difficulty in identifying when this is the right answer and when

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MFT Free Practice Question: Case Management

By Robin Gluck on November 30, 2020

Case management is a concept more commonly associated with social work than marriage and family therapy. In more recent times, however, there has been an increased emphasis on MFTs engaging in case management with their clients. As a result, the BBS expects you to know about this topic and you can

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ASWB Exam Prep: Subpoenas

By Heidi Tobe on November 2, 2020

Many of us preparing for our ASWB social work exams have never encountered a situation in which we are being subpoenaed. This also happens to be a topic that is often overlooked during our schooling. This leaves a lot of social workers feeling unprepared for questions around privilege and subpoenas

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MFT Exam Prep: Systems Theory

By Robin Gluck on October 26, 2020

The field of Marriage and Family Therapy distinguishes itself from other branches of psychology and counseling by its focus on systems and the interplay of relationships between self and others. MFTs are expected to think systemically. This systemic approach holds true whether you are working with

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