LCSW Exam Prep

Social Work Interstate Compact Progress

Submitted by Heidi Tobe on Mon, 06/10/2024 - 09:23am
We’re excited to share that Kansas recently enacted the Social Work Licensure Compact, making it the 7th state to join the compact! This is momentous, because having at least seven states enact the compact was required to move forward with the implementation of the compact. The seven states who have enacted the compact so far include: Kansas, Kentucky, Missouri, South Dakota, Utah, Virginia, and Washington. A number of additional states have pending legislation. Why this matters Historically, obtaining licensure across multiple states has been a tedious and laborious process, costing social
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ASWB Practice Question: Supervision vs. Personal Psychotherapy

Submitted by Heidi Tobe on Thu, 04/11/2024 - 09:13am
Last month’s ASWB social work blog for the LMSW and LCSW exams covered the topics of countertransference and supervision. We answered the questions: What is countertransference? When should social workers seek supervision? When do we not need to seek supervision? Today we continue our discussion on this highly tested topic and answer the questions: Why supervision and not colleague consultation? When should social workers seek personal psychotherapy? We finish off this month's social work blog with a practice question. Why supervision and not colleague consultation? For exam purposes, the
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ASWB Prep: Transference, Countertransference and Supervision

Submitted by Heidi Tobe on Sun, 02/25/2024 - 10:20am
As one of TDC’s LCSW coaches, I receive hundreds of questions per week from customers preparing for their social work exams. Over the next few months, our social work blogs will focus on some of the most commonly asked questions for the ASWB exam that we’ve received in 2024. Whether you're preparing for your LMSW, LCSW, or LICSW exams, these blogs are for you. This month, the focus is on transference, countertransference, and supervision. I'll be responding to the questions: What is countertransference? When should I seek supervision on the exam? When should I NOT seek supervision? What is
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Help! Can You Explain Psychotherapy Records vs. Psychotherapy Notes?

Submitted by Law and Ethics Coach on Fri, 02/02/2024 - 07:59am
For our third installment of our new blog series, we’re addressing a question we frequently receive from associates studying for the CA MFT or LCSW law and ethics exam: What is the difference between psychotherapy records and psychotherapy notes? Let’s break it down. Psychotherapy records are mental health records that therapists must maintain for every client. This medical record typically consists of intake forms, assessments, symptomatology, diagnoses, modalities, frequency of treatment, treatment plan, mental status exams, weekly progress reports, and other factual information about the
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2024 ASWB Exam Changes

Submitted by Heidi Tobe on Wed, 01/31/2024 - 09:27am
As a coach, I have received a LOT of questions from test takers this month. They are wondering whether our programs are up to date for the LMSW and LCSW exams for 2024. To answer that question: Yes! Our programs are fully up-to-date for the 2024 ASWB masters and clinical level exams. There’s more good news, though. The exam content has not changed this year. Last fall, the ASWB announced a change from Pearson to PSI testing centers. While some administrative changes have occurred, the content has not. From the ASWB themselves: ‘The exam questions and scoring will remain the same.' Two Reasons
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DSM-5-TR Considerations of the impact of racism and discrimination on mental disorders

Submitted by Heidi Tobe on Wed, 12/13/2023 - 08:45am
Today is the last of our blogs on the DSM-5-TR changes (and the one I’m most eager to share about). Starting in January 2024, the ASWB exams will transition from testing the DSM-5 to the DSM-5-TR. As we’ve discussed over the past several months of blogs covering these changes, the updates are relatively minor overall. The final installment of our blog series on the DSM-5-TR isn’t a new or updated diagnosis. Rather, it is about the APA consulting with culture and equity professionals. Acknowledgement of Race and Discrimination in Mental Health For the first time, the DSM now acknowledges the
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DSM-5-TR Stimulant-Induced Mild Neurocognitive Disorder

Submitted by Heidi Tobe on Mon, 12/04/2023 - 08:41am
Beginning next month (can you believe it’s almost 2024?!) the ASWB will begin testing the DSM-5-TR. The past several months, we’ve been covering these updates. And, of course, all of our programs are up to date with the DSM-5-TR materials. Today’s blog covers Stimulant-Induced Mild Neurocognitive Disorder. And later this month, our final DSM-5-TR blog will look at the newly added considerations of the impact of racism and discrimination on mental disorders. Stimulant-Induced Mild Neurocognitive Disorder Stimulant-Induced Mild Neurocognitive Disorder was added to the types of substance-induced
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DSM-5 TR Update: Suicidal Behavior and Non-Suicidal self-Injury T and Z Codes

Submitted by Heidi Tobe on Mon, 11/06/2023 - 08:00am
Beginning in January 2024, the ASWB will begin testing the current version of the DSM: the DSM-5-TR released in 2022. The past several months we’ve been covering these changes, and will continue doing so through the end of 2023. This month we look at the new T and Z codes for suicidal behavior and the Z codes for non-suicidal self-injury. New diagnoses? Nope! First, I want to point out that these are not diagnoses. Rather, they are part of the codes section of the DSM describing conditions that may be a focus of our clinical attention with clients (but are not themselves diagnoses). These
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Amanda Rowan Presenting at NASW-CA Conference!

Submitted by Heidi Tobe on Tue, 10/10/2023 - 01:03pm
We’re thrilled to announce Amanda Rowan is presenting at the NASW-CA Annual Conference later this month, October 20-21, in Burbank, California. Together, you’ll take a deep dive into the Edge of Life Model: Introduction to Treating Suicidality. Imagine sitting on the literal Edge of Life with your client. What emotions do you experience? What physical sensations arise? What thoughts do you have? Treating suicidality is scary for both the client and the therapist. To help clients move away from the edge, we must first be able to welcome, explore, and understand the depths of their unique
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DSM-5-TR: Reinstating Unspecified Mood Disorder

Submitted by Heidi Tobe on Mon, 10/09/2023 - 10:39am
Over the past couple months, our social work blog has focused on the DSM-5-TR changes. The ASWB will begin testing the DSM-5-TR in January of 2024. Because we want you to be fully prepared, we're taking each of the major updates and reviewing them one at a time in our monthly social work blogs through the end of this year. Be sure to check out our first two blogs covering these changes: 1 and 2. This month’s update covers the newly reinstated diagnosis of unspecified mood disorder. What is unspecified mood disorder? Unspecified mood disorder is a diagnostic category for mood disorders that do
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