Exam Prep
Law and Ethics Exam Prep: Tarasoff
This month, we’re tackling the topic of duty to protect as it relates to the 1976 Tarasoff ruling by the California Supreme Court. If you’re a new therapist and you can’t remember the protocol for Tarasoff situations, you’re not alone. Most associates have little to no professional experience with clients who are a danger to others, which can often lead to confusion around a therapist’s legal responsibilities, particularly on the CA law and ethics exam. And that’s where we come in. Here are the primary ways the BBS will evaluate your understanding of Tarasoff on the test: How to assess for
Law and Ethics Exam Prep: Termination
ASWB Question: Parenting Styles Part 2
FREE ASWB Question: Parenting Styles
2023 ASWB exam changes: Part 3
The past two months, our LMSW and LCSW blogs focused on the ASWB exam changes that began in January of this year. If you haven’t already, be sure to check out the first and second blogs in this series. This will be our third and final month focusing on these changes. We didn’t plan on doing a third blog on this topic. But we had so much positive customer feedback on how helpful it was to see how a 4 answer option question changes to a 3 answer option question that we decided to do one more! So today will be a final set of practice question that first has 4 answer options and then changes to
ASWB Exam Changes (Part 2)
Last month we wrote about the ASWB Exam Changes for the LMSW and LCSW exams for 2023. (If you haven’t already, we encourage you to check it out! Additionally, here is a direct link to the ASWB's announcement: https://www.aswb.org/testing-enhancements/). We had really positive feedback about the practice questions we put in last month's blog. Test takers shared it was helpful to see how a question would look changing it from 4 answer options to 3 answer options. So we decided to offer another example of that change this month! We will give you a free practice question that is a traditional 4
ASWB Exam Changes!
We’re writing today to share an important update coming to the ASWB exams. This change impacts both the masters level LMSW exam and the clinical level LCSW exams. The ASWB announced: "In January 2023, test-takers will begin seeing a mix of three- and four-option questions. Before that time, all exams include only four-option questions.” Additionally, test takers now have access to food! Test-takers will be allowed to get a snack from their lockers and consume it in the waiting room during the exam. Do keep in mind the timer for the exam does not stop during this time. Why the change to 3
Law and Ethics Exam Prep: Business Practices and Policies
One of the most fundamental aspects of navigating a new career as a psychotherapist is learning the business practices and policies that protect you and your clients. For many pre-licensed associates, this can feel like a daunting task. It’s no secret that these rules and regulations are extensive and include quite a few moving parts. This month’s blog cannot address every policy-related issue, but our MFT and LCSW exam prep programs will help you learn what you need to know to succeed. Below, we provide a brief overview of the specific business categories the BBS wants you to be proficient in
ASWB Exam Prep: Structural Family Therapy
The past couple months’s blogs highlight two therapy theories that can show up on the test: Gestalt and Interpersonal Psychotherapy. Today’s blog covers another of the many therapy theories that can show up on the ASWB exams: Structural Family Therapy. For the ASWB exams, you need to know a little bit about a lot of therapy theories. Our ASWB LMSW and LCSW exam prep programs cover the many theories you'll want to know for the exams. Today we give a brief introduction into Structural Family Therapy. For those of you interested in learning more, TDC has an excellent and engaging 3 hour CE course