MFT Exam Prep

Free Practice Question: Privilege Answer and Rationale

Submitted by Robin Gluck on Fri, 07/06/2018 - 05:00pm

This week, our free MFT Law and Ethics exam and LCSW Law and Ethics exam practice question will focus on the topic of privilege. This is a topic that many test-takers struggle with as they prepare for the exam. This is in large part because it is more of an abstract concept. While you’ve likely had experiences with the vast majority of subjects tested on the law and ethics exams, most therapists, especially those earlier in their careers, have not dealt with subpoenas or court orders. And while practice makes perfect, or at least makes subjects seem less daunting, your knowledge of this

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Free Practice Question: Privilege

Submitted by Robin Gluck on Thu, 07/05/2018 - 06:41pm

This week, our free MFT Law and Ethics exam and LCSW Law and Ethics exam practice question will focus on the topic of privilege. This is a topic that many test-takers struggle with as they prepare for the exam. This is in large part because it is more of an abstract concept. While you’ve likely had experiences with the vast majority of subjects tested on the law and ethics exams, most therapists, especially those earlier in their careers, have not dealt with subpoenas or court orders. And while practice makes perfect, or at least makes subjects seem less daunting, your knowledge of this

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Free Practice Question: Confidentiality Answer and Rationale

Submitted by Robin Gluck on Wed, 05/16/2018 - 02:58am

This week, our free MFT Law and Ethics exam and LCSW Law and Ethics exam practice question will focus on the topic of client confidentiality. Confidentiality is a key component of the therapeutic relationship. Without it, therapists would likely learn very little from their clients and it would substantially limit what could be achieved through psychotherapy. As therapists, we want our clients to feel safe in sharing the most intimate details of their life; information they may not feel comfortable disclosing to anyone else. Yet, confidentiality is not without limits. How Will Confidentiality

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Free Practice Question: Confidentiality

Submitted by Robin Gluck on Mon, 05/14/2018 - 06:49pm

This week, our free MFT Law and Ethics exam and LCSW Law and Ethics exam practice question will focus on the topic of client confidentiality. Confidentiality is a key component of the therapeutic relationship. Without it, therapists would likely learn very little from their clients and it would substantially limit what could be achieved through psychotherapy. As therapists, we want our clients to feel safe in sharing the most intimate details of their life; information they may not feel comfortable disclosing to anyone else. Yet, confidentiality is not without limits. How Will Confidentiality

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Free MFT Exam Practice Question: Working with Elderly Clients Answer and Rationale

Submitted by Robin Gluck on Tue, 05/01/2018 - 09:50pm

This week, our free MFT exam practice question is going to focus on the topic of working with the elderly. It’s quite possible you have not worked with elderly clients during your traineeships or internships, and yet the BBS still wants to know that you are aware of the unique issues that arise when working with this population. Regardless of how much or how little you already know about this subject, the Therapist Development Center’s exam prep, will ensure you know everything you need to correctly answer questions on this topic. What to Expect on the Exam: Whether you are taking the Law and

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Free Practice Question: Informed Consent Answer and Rationale

Submitted by Asya Mourraille on Tue, 04/17/2018 - 07:53pm

Yesterday we discussed the topic of informed consent, including a FREE Law and Ethics practice question to help you get prepared for your MFT or LCSW Law and Ethics exam. Let us take a look at the answer and the rationale: A married couple who recently immigrated from Argentina bring their 15-year-old daughter to see a counselor at a community clinic. Neither of the parents speak English; however, their daughter feels very comfortable communicating in both Spanish and English. What are the therapist’s responsibilities at the onset of treatment? A. Obtain informed consent from the daughter

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Free Practice Question: Informed Consent

Submitted by Asya Mourraille on Tue, 04/17/2018 - 02:19am

Whether you are preparing to take the MFT Law and Ethics exam or the LCSW Law and Ethics exam, you are guaranteed to see questions on the topic of informed consent. Since counseling is a consumer-oriented profession, informed consent is a very important concept in our field. It provides clients with a clear understanding of the services provided by a therapist.. An informed consumer is a better consumer. We need to help clients receive the greatest benefit from our services by clearly explaining what it entails and the risks and benefits involved. Informed Consent On The Test Here are some

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Free MFT Exam Practice Question: Working with Children and Adolescents Answer and Rationale

Submitted by Robin Gluck on Wed, 03/28/2018 - 03:30am

Yesterday, we discussed the topic of working with children and adolescents, including a FREE MFT exam practice question to help you get prepared for your MFT exams. Did you get it right? Practice Question: A 15-year-old high school student is referred for individual therapy by his school counselor. The mother and father attend the first session with their son and consent to treatment. The parents dominate the session and express concern that their son suddenly appears to be struggling with severe anxiety. They tell the therapist that he was extremely active in sports and excelled in school

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Free MFT Exam Practice Question: Working with Children and Adolescents

Submitted by Robin Gluck on Mon, 03/26/2018 - 11:24pm

This week, our free MFT exam practice question is going to focus on the complex topic of working with children and adolescents. By the time you are sitting for your MFT exam, you’ve most likely had to navigate at least one complicated case involving a child or adolescent. Although there are many tricky situations that may arise when working with this population, the experience you’ve had, combined with all that you learn through the Therapist Development Center’s exam prep, will help you to successfully answer questions that test your knowledge regarding this subject. How Will This Show Up on

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Calming the Anxious Mind

Submitted by Robin Gluck on Wed, 03/21/2018 - 09:12pm

There is no question, the LMFT and LCSW board exams are challenging. They are also considered big hurdles that you must successfully jump over while on your path to licensure. These two facts combined make it far more likely that test anxiety will be present, and may even be higher than you’ve experienced during past exams. In this month’s anxiety management blog, we’re going to explore some techniques you can employ when anxiety unexpectedly strikes. When Might Anxiety Strike? Anxiety can and likely will appear throughout your studies. And because of its prevalence, this is a topic we’ve

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