MFT Exam Prep

Free Practice Question: Duty to Protect

Submitted by Robin Gluck on Wed, 11/14/2018 - 05:34pm

This month’s blog explores the topic of duty to protect. It is not uncommon for us to receive questions on this topic from people preparing for their MFT or social work law and ethics or clinical exams. A therapist's duty to protect is a complicated and emotionally charged issue to navigate. Most clinicians have not encountered clients who are a danger to others, which is a positive thing; however, it tends to make questions on this subject more challenging since it is an abstract concept. It is important to develop an understanding of your responsibilities with clients who are a danger to

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Free MFT Exam Practice Question: Medical Conditions

Submitted by Asya Mourraille on Mon, 10/22/2018 - 04:52pm

This week, our free MFT exam practice question is going to focus on the topic of medical conditions. This is a subject that will more than likely appear on your exam since clinicians need to be on the lookout for medical conditions affecting mental health in their clients. The licensing board wants to make sure that all of us are aware of what to look for and what to do in case medical conditions are present. Regardless of how much or how little you already know about this subject, the Therapist Development Center’s exam prep, will ensure you know everything you need to correctly answer

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How to talk about sex in couples counseling?

Submitted by Kristie Overstreet on Mon, 10/15/2018 - 10:23pm

If you provide marriage counseling or couples counseling you probably have discussed sex during a session. Maybe your client brought the topic up as an issue in their relationship, or you asked if there are any problems with intimacy. As a therapist, there is no way to escape the topic of sex and intimacy. Sex is a significant issue that leads people to begin couples therapy. In relationship counseling and marriage therapy, there is always something to learn about sex and intimacy. Even though I have a doctorate in clinical sexology and am a certified sex therapist, I continue to attend

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Free MFT Exam Practice Question: Working with Groups

Submitted by Asya Mourraille on Mon, 09/24/2018 - 09:44pm

Free MFT Exam Practice Question: Working with Groups This week, our free MFT exam practice question is going to focus on the topic of working with groups. Some associates have had a good amount of experience leading and facilitating groups. Others have had almost none. Regardless of how much or how little you already know about this subject, the Therapist Development Center’s exam prep, will ensure you know everything you need to correctly answer questions on this topic. How Might Group Treatment Show Up on the Exam? Whether you are taking the Law and Ethics Exam, the California Clinical Exam

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Free MFT Exam Practice Question: Working with Families

Submitted by Asya Mourraille on Mon, 08/27/2018 - 05:56pm

This week, our free MFT exam practice question is going to focus on the topic of working with families. It’s quite possible that family counseling is a more abstract concept for you. It may be something you studied in graduate school, but have yet to experience in the clinical settings of your traineeships or associate positions; and yet, the BBS still wants to know that you are aware of the unique issues that arise when working with this population. Regardless of how much or how little you already know about this subject, the Therapist Development Center’s exam prep, will ensure you know

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Free Practice Question: Child Abuse and Neglect Answer and Rationale

Submitted by Robin Gluck on Tue, 08/14/2018 - 09:12pm

This week, our FREE Law and Ethics practice question touches on the subject of reporting child abuse and neglect. This is an important topic that will very likely appear on your social work or MFT Law and Ethics exam. Since it could be tested in a variety of ways, you can never have too many practice opportunities (this is not our first practice question blog on this subject). Navigating the legal and ethical issues that arise with minors can be tricky; but rest assured, our exam prep programs fully prepare you to tackle any questions on this subject that you may encounter. One difficult

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Free Practice Question: Child Abuse and Neglect

Submitted by Robin Gluck on Mon, 08/13/2018 - 11:14pm

This week, our FREE Law and Ethics practice question touches on the subject of reporting child abuse and neglect. This is an important topic that will very likely appear on your social work or MFT Law and Ethics exam. Since it could be tested in a variety of ways, you can never have too many practice opportunities (this is not our first practice question blog on this subject). Navigating the legal and ethical issues that arise with minors can be tricky; but rest assured, our exam prep programs fully prepare you to tackle any questions on this subject that you may encounter. One difficult

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Free MFT Exam Practice Question: Working with Couples Answer and Rationale

Submitted by Asya Mourraille on Tue, 07/24/2018 - 02:28pm

This week, our free MFT exam practice question is going to focus on the topic of working with couples. It’s quite possible you have not had any couples in your case load during your traineeships or internships, and yet the BBS still wants to know that you are aware of the unique issues that arise when working with this population. Regardless of how much or how little you already know about this subject, the Therapist Development Center’s exam prep, will ensure you know everything you need to correctly answer questions on this topic. What to Expect on the Exam: Whether you are taking the Law

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Free MFT Exam Practice Question: Working with Couples

Submitted by Asya Mourraille on Mon, 07/23/2018 - 04:20pm

This week, our free MFT exam practice question is going to focus on the topic of working with couples. It’s quite possible you have not had any couples in your case load during your traineeships or internships, and yet the BBS still wants to know that you are aware of the unique issues that arise when working with this population. Regardless of how much or how little you already know about this subject, the Therapist Development Center’s exam prep, will ensure you know everything you need to correctly answer questions on this topic. What to Expect on the Exam: Whether you are taking the Law

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Sex Therapy 101: An Overview for Clinicians

Submitted by Kristie Overstreet on Mon, 07/16/2018 - 05:13pm

Are you thinking about developing your clinical skills and specializing in sex therapy? Whether you are working with individuals, couples, or groups, it is likely the topic of sex will surface. Many clinicians have minimal if any clinical training in human sexuality. The one human sexuality class that you may be required to take as part of your program doesn’t adequately cover how beneficial sex therapy is for many clients. But first, what is sex therapy? As a clinical sexologist, psychotherapist, and certified sex therapist, I encourage you to consider expanding your knowledge in the area of

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