This week, our free MFT exam practice question is going to focus on the topic of working with couples. It’s quite possible you have not had any couples in your case load during your traineeships or internships, and yet the BBS still wants to know that you are aware of the unique issues that arise when working with this population. Regardless of how much or how little you already know about this subject, the Therapist Development Center’s exam prep, will ensure you know everything you need to correctly answer questions on this topic.
What to Expect on the Exam:
Whether you are taking the Law and Ethics Exam, the California Clinical Exam or the National MFT Exam, you will see a number of questions focused on issues specific to working with couples. So how could this subject appear on your exam?
You could see questions that test your ability to:
- Manage issues of confidentiality and "No Secrets Policy"
- Utilize commonly used relational interventions
- Work with same sex couples
- Identify and properly address issues of partner relational violence
- Manage issues of affairs and / or sexual dysfunction
- Identify and act on legal and ethical obligations
Let’s see how you do on this week’s FREE MFT practice question regarding working with couples.
Practice Question on Working with Couples:
A therapist has been meeting with Nadine, age 36 and Bruce, age 37 for a month. The couple has been together for three years, during which time they felt mostly connected and able to get along. Recently, however, they have been growing further and further apart. “We have been bickering and barely spending any time together,” states Nadine. “It seems like Nadine is working all the time,” notes Bruce. “It’s like she does not want to be alone in the room with me anymore,” he adds while looking down. A few days after the session, a therapist receives a phone call from Nadine asking the therapist to set up some time to talk privately. During such call, Nadine tells the therapist that she has been having an affair, but she would not want Bruce to know since it is “going to break his heart”. Which of the following actions should the therapist take based on the case presented?
A. Acknowledge Nadine’s dilemma and maintain confidentiality since Nadine has the right to her own privacy
B. Validate Nadine’s desire to protect Bruce and remind her of the “No Secrets Policy”
C. Acknowledge Nadine’s dilemma and determine whether the information Nadine provided is clinically relevant
D. Validate Nadine’s desire to protect Bruce and bring up the information she shared at the next session
Share your answer and rationale in the comments section below and check back tomorrow for a discussion of the answer and rationale for this week’s MFT Exam practice test question.
To learn all about the intricacies of working with elderly clients that you will need to know for your MFT licensing exam, sign up for one of TDC’s MFT exam study guides to help you prepare for your exam today! Amanda Rowan has helped thousands of Marriage and Family Therapists pass their MFT exams-are you our next success story?
B assuming the no secret's policy was explained to the couple, the news of Nadine's affair directly impacts the therapy that needs to happen in order to the help the couple, Nadine would be encouraged to tell Bruce or the therapist would have to.