Exam Prep Blog

LMSW Exam Prep 2019: Defense Mechanisms

By Emily Pellegrino on December 17, 2019
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Back to Basics: 5 Ways to Refresh Your Clinical Skills

By Kristie Overstreet on December 16, 2019

Have you ever wondered if your clinical skills were getting stale? Maybe you have the feeling that you need to add to your clinical toolbox, or while working with a client, you realized that you needed a different approach. Regardless if your a new clinician or have years of experience, there is a

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MFT Exam Prep: Free Practice Questions

By Robin Gluck on December 9, 2019

I don’t know about all of you out there, but until I interned on an acute inpatient psychiatric unit, I really had no idea what a person experiencing psychosis really looked like (clinically speaking). This category of disorders, distinguished by the primary symptoms of delusions, prominent hallucinations, disorganized speech, or disorganized or catatonic behavior, is bound to come up on the MFT exam in a variety of ways. Here’s just one:

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Transference vs. Countertransference: What's the Difference?

By Heidi Tobe on December 6, 2019

If you’re preparing for your ASWB Clinical Social Work Exam, transference and countertransference are two topics you definitely want to familiarize yourself with. As a coach I get a lot of questions on the differences between these two topics. Many social workers confuse the definitions of

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ASWB Practice Question: Minor Informed Consent

By Heidi Tobe on December 2, 2019

Minor consent for treatment is a topic I get questions on multiple times per week as an LCSW coach. So what is informed consent? Informed Consent Definition Informed consent is defined as the process for getting formal permission for treatment and services before engaging in treatment with a client

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Free MFT Practice Question: Sexual Disorders

By Robin Gluck on November 26, 2019

Last month, our FREE practice question tested your knowledge of disorders related to health. This month, we focus on a subject that can be biological or psychological in nature; sexual disorders. If you are planning to take the California MFT Clinical exam or the AMFTRB National MFT exam, you are

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Should you become a sex therapist?

By Kristie Overstreet on November 18, 2019

If you’ve ever wondered how to become a sex therapist, you are not alone. As a therapist or counselor, you may be considering a specialty so you can better serve your clients. You already enjoy couples counseling, and if you want to enhance your clinical skills, then you should consider becoming a

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ASWB Exam Prep: Healthy Boundaries in Counseling

By Heidi Tobe on November 4, 2019

Whether you work in clinical or non-clinical social work, establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries is so important in our field. Thankfully, the ASWB recognizes this and considers it important enough to put on their licensing exams. Questions regarding boundaries regularly show up on the LMSW

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Why is Self-Determination Important for Clients? LMSW Exam Prep

By Emily Pellegrino on October 22, 2019

This week's topic is what I believe to be one of the most important aspects of social work, and a term that is really good to know for the LMSW exam. When answering questions on the LMSW exam we always want to approach questions while keeping a client's sense of self-determination in mind. Self

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3 Mistakes to Avoid When Working with Transgender and Non-binary Clients

By Kristie Overstreet on October 21, 2019

Have you ever worked with a client and felt unsure if you are providing the best support? Whether you are a new or seasoned therapist in the mental health field, we all can benefit from ensuring we are giving the best care. When you work with transgender and non-binary clients, it’s essential to

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Clinical Supervision on the ASWB Licensing Exams

By Heidi Tobe on October 9, 2019

This may come as a surprise to some LMSW and LCSW test-takers, but you are likely to see some questions on the ASWB exam asking what action a supervisor should take with their supervisee. The ASWB puts clinical supervision questions on their exams for two reasons.: 1. To assess whether social

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