Exciting Announcement: Our Private TDC Facebook Group is now LIVE!

By Heidi Tobe on October 24, 2017

We are excited to announce that starting today, we are piloting a private TDC user Facebook group for anyone currently signed up for one of our social work exam prep programs! This is an idea our TDC team has been working on for several months after many discussions surrounding the pros and cons of social media exam support. We want to create a space that fosters positive (and ethical) peer support for our TDC family as they are preparing for their social work licensing exams. This will be a place where you can come to discuss specific TDC practice questions, encourage one another in your study process, discuss anxiety management and self-care strategies, and engage in discussions on some of those trickier topics that you are looking for some extra support with.


We recognize the positive impact peer support can have on your study process, so we want to create a positive space for you, our TDC family, to come together and discuss questions and topics as you go through our program. We regularly receive calls and emails from our users about their experiences on other social media Facebook groups and hear three primary concerns expressed: 1. they seem to increase our user’s anxiety rather than help it. 2. copyrighted materials are regularly (and illegally) shared, both breaking the law and violating our code of ethics and 3. there are some really bad practice questions posted that do not accurately reflect what is actually on the exam (which circles back to #1: increased anxiety). This group is for active TDC users only. Once you pass your exam (whoo hoo!) we are considering the creation of an an alumni group for continuing clinical and professional development support if there is interest!

Here is a link to join the group!

This is a private Facebook group for active TDC users only. To be added, click the link above and request to be added. An admin will message you (be sure to check your Facebook spam folder!) asking for the email address associated with your Facebook account to verify you are a TDC user.

We are always looking for ways to improve the studying experience for our users and are excited to pilot this new aspect of our study system! Joining is, of course, completely optional.We encourage you to contact your coach with questions and you are always welcome to like and follow us at our public Facebook page!

If you have any questions about the group or any difficulty joining, please contact Heidi at heidi@therapistdevelopmentcenter.com.

Not already a TDC user? Sign up today for the opportunity to join our private study group!





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October 28, 2017

Planning to purchase your program

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