FREE ASWB Practice Question: Self-Determination

By Heidi Tobe on October 9, 2018

Self-determination is at the core of the social work profession. Self-determination can be defined as the clients' right to make their own decisions about their lives and their treatment. We may not always agree with our clients’ choices, but honoring their self-determination means we support them in the decisions they make (even when we ourselves would not make the same decisions).

Questions on self-determination WILL show up on your ASWB social work exams, whether you are studying for the master’s level LMSW exam or the clinical LCSW exam. In many cases, the exam is looking for us to support our client’s self-determination. There are instances, however, in which the safety of our client (or the public’s safety) trump this ethical principle.

When Are We Unable to Honor Client Self-determination?

  • A client is actively suicidal
  • A client is homicidal
  • Your client lacks decision-making capacity and someone else has medical power of attorney for them
  • Your client is abusing or neglecting a child, elderly person, or dependent adult

Do you know when to honor a client’s self-determination and when to address potential safety concerns that are present in any given situation? See how you do on this week’s FREE practice question:

Self-Determination Practice Question:

An 80-year-old client meets with a social worker due to recent conflict with his adult children who are urging him to move into an assisted living facility after his wife of 60 years passed and after he began using a cane. His children express ongoing concern that as he ages, he will be unable to care for himself and meet his basic needs while living alone. The client reports that he is just as able to care for his needs now as ever before and states, “there is no way anyone is going to force me into a nursing home.” What is the BEST way for the social worker to respond?

A. Facilitate a discussion of the pros and cons of living in an assisted living facility and offer a family session

B. Discuss the differences between a nursing home and assisted living facility

C. Validate the concerns of the client’s children and complete an assessment to determine the client's ability to live independently

D. Acknowledge the client’s right to make this decision for himself and identify goals of treatment

(scroll down for answer and rationale)











The correct answer is D

  • Since the question is asking what is BEST, we want to prioritize around importance. A is incorrect because the client stated he does not want to move into a facility. Since there are no details in the question stem that indicate a need for the client to move into an assisted living facility, we want to honor his self-determination. Additionally, the man is our client, not his children. So we want to first help him identify the treatment goals he wants to work on before offering a family session.
  • B is incorrect because again, the client has already stated he doesn’t want to live in a facility. So this is not a discussion that would need to take place at this time. 
  • C is incorrect because the client is in the room with us, not his children. Further, there is no information that indicates the children’s concerns are valid. There is also no reason to complete an assessment to determine his ability to live independently at this time.
  • D is the best answer because it both honors the client's right to self-determination AND acknowledges that he is the client.

Exam Preparation

How did this question go for you? Did the correct answer and rationale align with your understanding of client self-determination?

If you have any lingering questions about this topic, we encourage you to contact one of our social work coaches who are here to answer any questions you have.

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Commenter Name
October 9, 2018

I also felt like D was the best answer. First it is important to acknowledge the client right to self-determination.

Commenter Name
October 9, 2018

I choose D.

Commenter Name
October 9, 2018

I chose D as the answer because the client already stated that he was not going to a home so the first thing to do would be to acknowledge his feelings before doing anything else.

Commenter Name
October 10, 2018

I chose D as the answer because you want to start where the patient is before doing anything else.

Commenter Name
November 2, 2018

Can you please notify me of new post since I cant participate on facebook.

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November 4, 2018

I've requested twice to have my eman date changed to 12.8.18.
Also could I be notified when you post questions or am I to log in daily? Thanks

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November 4, 2018

Hi Sharon,

There isn't a way to be notified when blogs are posted at this time. We recommend checking our blog weekly for new posts.

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Commenter Name
November 7, 2018


Commenter Name
November 27, 2018

I chose D

Commenter Name
November 29, 2018

I eliminated A and B because there is no indication that this old man is mentally incapable to make decisions or live independently, and he does not want to move out . For C, I am not sure whether a social worker can actually do an assessment to "determine" client's independent living skills? First of all, "determine" sounds pretty strong to me; second of all, if an assessment is to be conducted to "determine", I feel it at least should be multidisciplinary team's assessment to decide a client's full scope of functions, Like involving MD, OT/PT, SW etc... Any thoughts?

Commenter Name
November 29, 2018

Depending on their role and place of employment, it could be within the social worker's scope of practice to do that type of assessment. It may involve other professionals as well depending on the situation.

Commenter Name
January 4, 2019

I chose D ofcourse. Anytime we can have the client make their own choices that’s the correct answer. Nothing was said about him being demented or unsafe so to me it was his choice not his Childrens.

Commenter Name
January 7, 2019

I chose D always acknowledge the client's self determination.

Commenter Name
February 5, 2019

I chose D, because you always acknowledges a client's right to self determination.

Commenter Name
March 29, 2019


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