Exam Prep

Transference vs. Countertransference: What's the Difference?

Submitted by Heidi Tobe on Fri, 12/06/2019 - 06:20pm

If you’re preparing for your ASWB Clinical Social Work Exam, transference and countertransference are two topics you definitely want to familiarize yourself with. As a coach I get a lot of questions on the differences between these two topics. Many social workers confuse the definitions of transference and countertransference and assume both warrant the same response. As we'll discuss throughout this blog, transference and countertransference require very different actions both on the exam and in real life. What is Transference? Transference is a dynamic that occurs in therapy between the

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ASWB Practice Question: Minor Informed Consent

Submitted by Heidi Tobe on Mon, 12/02/2019 - 06:18pm

Minor consent for treatment is a topic I get questions on multiple times per week as an LCSW coach. So what is informed consent? Informed Consent Definition Informed consent is defined as the process for getting formal permission for treatment and services before engaging in treatment with a client(s). What makes minor consent for treatment so challenging is that rules and laws surrounding informed consent for minors vary state to state and this is a national exam. While you are licensed by your individual state, the licensure exam is the same across all 50 states. Because this is a national

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Free MFT Practice Question: Sexual Disorders

Submitted by Robin Gluck on Tue, 11/26/2019 - 01:27am

Last month, our FREE practice question tested your knowledge of disorders related to health. This month, we focus on a subject that can be biological or psychological in nature; sexual disorders. If you are planning to take the California MFT Clinical exam or the AMFTRB National MFT exam, you are likely to see a question on the topic. As with any presenting problems that may have a biological component, it’s always important to remember our scope of practice as MFTs when answering questions on this subject. The exam question could test your knowledge of sexual disorders from a number of angles

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Clinical Supervision on the ASWB Licensing Exams

Submitted by Heidi Tobe on Wed, 10/09/2019 - 07:43pm

This may come as a surprise to some LMSW and LCSW test-takers, but you are likely to see some questions on the ASWB exam asking what action a supervisor should take with their supervisee. The ASWB puts clinical supervision questions on their exams for two reasons.: 1. To assess whether social workers understand the purpose of and activities done in supervision; and 2. Once you pass this exam, supervising other social workers may be in your future! The NASW and ASWB collaborated to create a document on the Best Practice Standards in Social Work Supervision. While this goes into far greater

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Free MFT Practice Question: Bereavement

Submitted by Robin Gluck on Tue, 10/01/2019 - 06:29pm

If you are preparing for your California or National MFT Clinical exam, you will want to be familiar with the topic of bereavement. Uncomplicated bereavement, as it is termed in the DSM 5, should be considered when, “the focus of clinical attention is a normal reaction to the death of a loved one.” Bereavement is not considered a mental health disorder, but rather a condition that requires clinical attention or one that affects existing mental disorders. How might the topic of bereavement appear on your MFT Clinical Exam? You could be tested on: Diagnostic criteria for bereavement Different

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DSM-5: No More Multiaxial System

Submitted by Heidi Tobe on Fri, 09/27/2019 - 05:21pm

The DSM-5 was published in 2013. Many social workers went to school learning the DSM-IV-TR and because of this, we still receive coaching questions about the differences between the DSM-IV-TR and the DSM-5. We know regardless of which DSM you went to school with, picking up the DSM-5 can feel daunting. The thought of learning and applying all of the DSM-5 information to LCSW exam questions can be overwhelming. But fear not: TDC's got you covered! How am I supposed to memorize the DSM-5? The good news is, you aren’t! The ASWB does not expect you to have the DSM-5 memorized. One of my favorite

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Free LCSW Practice Exam Question

Submitted by Robin Gluck on Fri, 09/27/2019 - 02:22pm

Alright Social Work Exam and MFT Exam-Takers, it’s Tuesday, time for another free LCSW practice exam question to help you study. For this week's Hot Topic we’re taking a brief look at Domestic Violence. Let’s take a closer look at a possible test item.

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Free Law and Ethics Practice Question: Advertising

Submitted by Robin Gluck on Mon, 08/12/2019 - 08:03pm

This month’s California law and ethics practice question tests your knowledge of legal and ethical issues regarding advertising. If you are an associate MFT, Social Worker, or PCC in California, you can expect to see questions related to this topic appear on your exam Law and Ethics exams. It’s important to know the legal requirements, delineated in the CA Business and Professions Code and the ethical obligations included in your professions code of ethics. The BBS falls under the Department of Consumer Affairs and wants to ensure consumers have the correct information to make informed

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What does LCSW mean? Definition of LCSW

Submitted by Heidi Tobe on Mon, 06/03/2019 - 02:00pm

Every now and then I’ll receive a question asking what 'LCSW' means or how being an LCSW differs from an MFT. The term LCSW stands for licensed clinical social worker. What exactly is a licensed clinical social worker? An LCSW is someone who has graduated from an accredited social work master's program, completed supervised clinical hours, and passed the ASWB’s clinical licensure exam. This is the highest level of social work licensure a person can obtain. When social workers move from being unlicensed (or provisionally licensed) to fully licensed clinicians, some significant changes occur

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