Exam Prep

Coaching for the MFT & Social Work Exam

Submitted by Amanda Rowan on Mon, 07/29/2013 - 06:28am

I talk to a lot of people who have taken the MFT or Social Work exam many times and complain that they had memorized everything and they still didn't pass. The word "memorize" tips me off right away -- these people weren't coached, they were trained. What's the difference?

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Worried about the DSM V and the ASWB Exams? Here are your answers!

Submitted by Bethany Vanderbilt on Thu, 05/30/2013 - 06:15pm

Hey TDC Community! We’ve been getting a lot of questions recently about the DSM V and how it’s going to affect the ASWB LCSW Exam and LMSW Exam. First, let's take a deep breath. Second, let’s take a look at what the ASWB has to say about it: “The current ASWB examinations reflect the content contained in the DSM-IV-TR. ASWB is always committed to providing sufficient information to social work candidates to prepare for ASWB examinations.No changes to the ASWB examinations that reflect only DSM-5 will be made before January 2015.” If you’re studying for the LCSW Exam now, you definitely SHOULDN

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Changes to the LAW Regarding Reporting Sex Between Minors in California

Submitted by Amanda Rowan on Fri, 05/10/2013 - 10:20pm

NEWS FLASH: The California Law regarding reporting oral and anal sex between minors has changed! If a 14-year-old client shares with his therapist that his 14-year-old girlfriend gave him oral sex, does the therapist report child abuse or maintain confidentiality? Prior to April 18, 2013, Social workers and MFTs would be required to report child abuse. But not anymore... A legal opinion prepared for the Board of Behavioral Sciences and released Thursday, April 18, 2013 changes the common understanding of a key component of child abuse reporting. The opinion reads that therapists do not need to

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LCSW & MFT Exam Changes in California Won't Happen Until 2016!

Submitted by Amanda Rowan on Thu, 04/25/2013 - 09:05pm

At this point, most social work associates and MFT interns have heard about the planned changes to the LCSW and MFT exams in California. On a daily basis I am contacted with questions about how the Therapist Development Center is planning for these changes. Well, here’s some big news… The BBS has just announced that there will be a delayed implementation of the LCSW and MFT exam changes. The new exams were scheduled to begin as of January 1, 2014 (it was already pushed back once from January 1, 2013). A new release date has not yet been announced however they did indicate that January 1, 2016

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LMSW Exam Prep: What is Xenophobia?

Submitted by Emily Pellegrino on Thu, 12/13/2012 - 08:00am

We are starting to get slim pickings for the blog terms this week. As such, this week's term is xenophobia. While it may not be at the top of the list of things to study, it still can't hurt to know it as you study for the LMSW exam. On that note, let's get started with a sample question. Sample Question: Which of the following BEST describes xenophobia? A. A persistant fear of confined spaces. B. A pattern of behavior, frequently seen in victims of spouse abuse and child abuse, in which the individual responds passively to risks of harm. C. A dislike or fear of people from other countries or

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What Should You Know About Cultural Groups for the LCSW & MFT Exam?

Submitted by Bethany Vanderbilt on Tue, 12/11/2012 - 08:00am

As mental health practitioners, we are ethically bound to provide services in a culturally competent way. Whether you're preparing for the LCSW exam or MFT exam, you'll need to demonstrate your ability to identify and address cultural issues on a variety of test items. Let's take a look at one way this topic might come up on your LCSW exam or MFT exam. Sample: A 35 year-old black woman engages in treatment with a white therapist to address feelings of depression related to a recent divorce and custody battle. In the initial sessions, the therapist and client connect easily and information for

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What are Welfare Rights? LMSW Exam Prep

Submitted by Emily Pellegrino on Thu, 12/06/2012 - 08:00am

Well this week we are looking at something that many of our clients may deal with or use which is welfare, and ultimately the rights to welfare. While this may seem like an obvious term it can't hurt to take a closer look at it. Let's get started with a sample question to help you prepare for the LMSW exam. Sample Question: Which of the following BEST defines welfare rights? A. The advantages or benefits one derives from a physical or mental illness, such as attention, freedom from responsibility, and disability benefits. B. An alliance of individuals and ideological groups to achieve a

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