ASWB Exam Study Guide

FREE ASWB Practice Question: Self-Determination, Part 2

Submitted by Heidi Tobe on Mon, 12/03/2018 - 03:44pm

In our most recent social work blog post, we began discussing a core tenant of the social work profession: self-determination. Self-determination is our clients' right to make decisions regarding their treatment and their lives. While there will undoubtedly be times we do not agree with our clients, honoring their self-determination means that despite this disagreement, we support and trust their ability to make decisions for themselves. Self-determination is a topic we can just about guarantee will show up on your ASWB social work licensing exams (likely multiple times); so let's make sure

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FREE ASWB Practice Question: Self-Determination

Submitted by Heidi Tobe on Tue, 10/09/2018 - 03:50pm

Self-determination is at the core of the social work profession. Self-determination can be defined as the clients' right to make their own decisions about their lives and their treatment. We may not always agree with our clients’ choices, but honoring their self-determination means we support them in the decisions they make (even when we ourselves would not make the same decisions). Questions on self-determination WILL show up on your ASWB social work exams, whether you are studying for the master’s level LMSW exam or the clinical LCSW exam. In many cases, the exam is looking for us to support

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FREE ASWB Practice Question: Domestic Violence

Submitted by Heidi Tobe on Tue, 09/04/2018 - 02:00pm

Over the past couple months, our FREE ASWB practice questions have tackled the challenging topics of child abuse and neglect reporting and elder abuse and neglect reporting. This month we present another topic that is sure to show up on your ASWB social work licensing exams, whether you are studying for your master’s level or clinical level exams: domestic violence. For those of us who do not have experience working with clients experiencing domestic violence, knowing how to approach these questions can be difficult. Even for those well versed in working with couples or individuals

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Elder Abuse and Neglect: Answer and Rationale

Submitted by Heidi Tobe on Tue, 08/07/2018 - 02:00pm

Much like child abuse and neglect, elder and dependent abuse and neglect are topics that we can say with confidence will show up on your ASWB social work licensing exams. Last month's child abuse and neglect question proved itself to challenge many of you and we had lots of great discussion with our customers about this topic as a result. Let's see how you did on yesterday's FREE practice question on elder abuse and neglect. Are you ready to correctly and confidently answer these questions on your LCSW and LMSW exams? Find out by reading our question, answer, and rationale below! Elder Abuse

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FREE LCSW Practice Question: Elder Abuse and Neglect

Submitted by Heidi Tobe on Mon, 08/06/2018 - 02:00pm

In last month’s FREE ASWB Exam Prep question blog, we posed a challenging question on child abuse and neglect. This month we are exploring the topic of elder abuse and neglect. Like child abuse and neglect, this is a topic that we can say with near certainty will show up on your ASWB social work licensing exams, whether you are studying for your master's level or clinical level exam. Especially for those of us who do not work with the elderly population, this can be a particularly difficult topic. Our LMSW and LCSW ASWB Social Work Exam programs will prepare you with all of the knowledge and

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ASWB Practice Question: Child Abuse and Neglect Answer and Rationale

Submitted by Heidi Tobe on Tue, 07/10/2018 - 02:00pm

Child abuse and neglect are topics that we can say with just about absolute certainty will show up on your ASWB social work licensing exams (whether you are preparing for the LMSW or LCSW exam). That's why this week's FREE ASWB practice question covered this very nuanced and challenging topic. This question has proven to be a difficult one for many-did you get it right? Find out below! Child Abuse Practice Question: A school social worker meets with a 13-year-old girl who begins crying in session as she discusses an argument she had with her parents last night. She explains that after she

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ASWB Practice Question: Child Abuse and Neglect

Submitted by Heidi Tobe on Mon, 07/09/2018 - 03:00pm

Child abuse and neglect are topics that we can say with just about absolute certainty will show up on your ASWB social work licensing exams (whether you are preparing for the LMSW or LCSW exam). These topics can be particularly challenging, especially for those who do not regularly engage in work that involves reporting child abuse or neglect. Our ASWB Social Work Exam programs prepare our users thoroughly in these topics so you can go into the exam feeling confident when these types of questions show up. How Might Child Abuse and Neglect Show Up on the Exam? Specific exam questions may cover

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ASWB Practice Question: Macro Social Work Answer and Rationale

Submitted by Heidi Tobe on Tue, 05/08/2018 - 05:14pm

This week's free ASWB Practice question explored the often dreaded topic of macro social work. Remember: you don’t need to have direct experience in macro social work to answer these questions efficiently and correctly. While macro vs. micro social work questions seem vastly different on the surface, in reality, they have a lot in common. If you are going through one of TDC's programs, check out our new macro strategy quick study to learn how to approach these questions using your clinical skills and strengths. And if you haven't signed up for one of our ASWB exam prep programs, sign up today

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ASWB Practice Question: Macro Social Work

Submitted by Heidi Tobe on Mon, 05/07/2018 - 04:05pm

Much like when we hear about research questions showing up on the exam, seeing the term "macro social work" (or "indirect practice") can send a shiver down our clinically focused, micro social worker spines. I remember dreading these types of questions when I was preparing for my ASWB social work licensing exams (both master's level and clinical). Macro social work is one of the topics most frequently asked about by individuals I coach-especially for those preparing for their licensed master social worker exam where a higher number of these types of questions show up. I work with many

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ASWB Practice Question: Independent Variable vs. Dependent Variable Answer and Rationale

Submitted by Heidi Tobe on Tue, 04/10/2018 - 09:00am

We know research isn't a favorite exam topic amongst most clinicians preparing for their licensure exams, but you are bound to see at least a question or two on research on your ASWB exams. In yesterday's blog, we reviewed the difference between independent variables and dependent variables, including a FREE ASWB practice question to help you get prepared for your LMSW and LCSW exams. Now it's time to see if you answered it correctly! ASWB Practice Question: Independent Variable vs. Dependent Variable A social worker is studying the effects of how different doses of an SSRI affect levels of

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