All of us at the Therapist Development Center are pleased to announce that our new program for the California MFT Clinical exam has been launched!
Every MFT intern in California wants to know: "What is the new Clinical Exam like?" According to our sources at the Board of Behavioral Sciences, the MFT Clinical Exam will be a merger of the Standard Written Exam and the Clinical Vignette Exam.
So how did we go about creating our study system? We identified the best parts of both our old programs, added some enhancements, integrated it all together into an easy to follow 10-step plan and WHOALA our 65-hour MFT Clinical Study System was born!
As always, you can count on TDC to cover the studying and test taking strategies that are going to ensure your success. While you are studying, MFT coaches are standing by to answer any questions you have. We are with you until you pass.
We are running a MFT Clinical Exam launching promotion!
Buy the MFT Clinical Exam program before the end of 2015 and save $50!
Enter coupon code: 2015MFTClinical$50OFF at checkout.
(PS - It takes a lot of brain power and perseverance to create a 65-hour study course as comprehensive as ours. I want to give a special thanks to my MFT coaches, Robin Gluck and Asya Pogodina, for their relentless dedication and support over the past year. We did it!)
On behalf of the TDC team, We look forward to helping you PASS with CONFIDENCE!
Contact us with any questions!
So I've not passed my first exam for the second time on October. Because of the new testing, I was told to contact you again about the prep. Do I need to buy the new testing prep again?