The Therapist Development Center is pleased to announce our Veterans Service Scholarship Program:
Scholarships of $500 will be awarded to five 2nd year MSW students who have veteran status via a DD214 form and who demonstrate strong clinical skills and a commitment to clinical social work. Active duty service members may also apply. Applicable documentation can be scanned and sent to Heidi at

Applicants must be enrolled in their 2nd year at an MSW graduate school program. Scholarship money can be used to pay for tuition, books, housing, or transportation. The 2017 application is available beginning June 13th, 2017, with a submission deadline of July 31st, 2017. No exceptions. Scholarship awards will be announced on August 15th, 2017 and disbursement will occur on August 31st. Applications must be submitted via website:
Veterans Service Scholarship Program Application Guide
On the application, you will be asked to provide answers to the following questions:
1) Why did you choose to become a clinical social worker? (Limit 100 words)
2) Describe a challenge you've faced in the military. What have you learned from the experience? (Limit 100 words)
3) What did you learn about yourself in your first-year internship? (Limit 100 words)
4) What population(s) are you interested in working with as a clinical social worker? Why? (Limit 100 words)
5) List 3 professional goals you hope to accomplish in the next 5 years (Limit 100 words)
6) *Optional* Describe any financial struggles you currently face. (Limit 50 words)
7) *Optional* Describe any disabilities you currently face. (Limit 100 words)
8) Two references. One must be a professor/instructor/supervisor from the MSW program. Provide your references with this link to submit your references.
Scholarship Applications must be submitted on-line. You can find the application here.
Deadline for completed application, including references is July 31, 2017. No exceptions.