When Amanda Rowan posted our new Social Justice Coupon Codes blog, we encouraged you to let us know of nonprofits who are fighting the good fight to be added to our coupon code list. We would like to thank Kiertsen Hess for being the first one to do so! Kiersten reached out to let us know about an organization she volunteers with: Domestic Violence Solutions for Santa Barbara County (DVS). We were excited to learn more about them, add them to our list, and to make them our first Social Justice Spotlight Organization!

About Domestic Violence Solutions
1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men will be the victim of physical violence by an intimate partner within their lifetime. Nearly 20 people per minute-or over 10 million people per year- are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. Studies found victims of domestic violence experience higher rates of depression and suicidal behavior (National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 2015).
DVS is Santa Barbara County’s only full-service domestic violence agency. DVS is committed to ending the intergenerational cycle of domestic violence through their services and through challenging the beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors regarding domestic violence in order to impact social change. Their vision is for all people to “take personal responsibility in promoting zero tolerance for domestic violence within their interpersonal relationships, families, and in the community at large.” They want to see respect and equality replace domestic violence and for individuals who have been impacted by domestic violence to have dignity and hope restored, empowering them "to maximize the potential of their lives.”
Services Provided
DVS has four 24-hour hotlines available, answering over 4,000 crisis calls a year. They provide a 24-hour shelter for battered women and their children as well as a transitional housing program for survivors of domestic violence, with comprehensive residential counseling services provided. They offer emotional support and personal advocacy for women experiencing domestic violence, doing so in a way that helps each woman know and understand her personal strengths and resources and that empowers her to make her own decisions.
DVS is a member of the Domestic Violence Emergency Response Team (DVERT), with DVS staff joining law enforcement to respond to domestic violence 911 calls. Through DVERT, they offer support and advocacy as well as access to shelter for women experiencing domestic violence. Through DVERT, DVS staff provide crisis counseling or a referral for ongoing counseling.
DVS's "Holiday Happiness For All" programs recognize that domestic violence does not stop during the holidays (in fact, they often see an increase in new residents at the holidays). Their holiday programs make giving easy and aim to make certain that all families at their shelters experience some happiness and joy throughout the holiday season.
Prevention and intervention services are provided to the community, including teen outreach and education programs. Men Against Domestic Violence (MADV) works to educate and inspire all men to take a personal and public stand for equality in their relationships, with an overall focus on preventing intimate partner violence. They take a leadership role in effecting social change in the community through education as well as support of women's rights organizations and associations with social change groups.
DVS also offers a 40-Hour Domestic Violence Training Certification for therapists, medical personnel and professionals in social services agencies, law enforcement personnel, volunteers, and friends and family of domestic violence victims.
Join the Fight
DVS is no doubt fighting the good fight, powerfully affecting social change in Santa Barbara County. We are honored to come alongside them financially and hope you will check out their website to learn more about DVS and discover ways you can personally get involved.
And if you haven’t already signed up for one of our Social Work or Marriage and Family Therapy test prep programs, sign up today and use coupon code “DomesticViolenceSolutions” to save $15 off the cost of a program! For every code used, TDC will donate $15 to Domestic Violence Solutions for Santa Barbara County. You save, we give!
NCADV. (2015). Domestic violence national statistics. Retrieved from www.ncadv.org