Exam Prep
MFT Practice Question: Child Abuse and Neglect
In Wednesday’s blog, Bethany reviewed a question on child abuse and neglect reporting. Since this is a question that will likely appear more than once on your licensing exams, let’s continue with this topic. While it’s a topic that has historically caused therapists uncertainty and anxiety both as practitioners and test takers, it is not one you need to fear!
LCSW Practice Question: Child Abuse and Neglect
Hello! When Amanda Rowan helped me pass my licensing exams in California 8 years ago, I would never have dreamed that I would be writing this blog today. It’s been quite a journey! It all started with practice questions: Amanda helped me read them effectively, understand what the test and question were asking, and make sense of how to evaluate answer choices strategically. Good practice questions have always been our goal at TDC, and I’m excited to be using the blog to share some of that with you again.
MFT Practice Question: Elder and Dependent Abuse and Neglect
Last week’s MFT blog explored a complicated question on child abuse and neglect reporting. This week, we continue exploring the topic of abuse and neglect, but shift our focus to elders and dependent adults. In California, the laws regarding elder and dependent adult abuse overlap quite a bit with those for child abuse, but there are also some differences to keep in mind. lmswexamprepwelfarerights-219x300.jpeg What are some of the key differences? While this is not an exhaustive list, a few to be aware of include: 1. Therapists are only mandated to report when the elders/dependents are
MFT Practice Question: Child Abuse and Neglect
In Wednesday’s blog, Bethany reviewed a question on child abuse and neglect reporting. Since this is a question that will likely appear more than once on your licensing exams, let’s continue with this topic. While it’s a topic that has historically caused therapists uncertainty and anxiety both as practitioners and test takers, it is not one you need to fear! When Amanda Rowan created TDC’s test prep materials, it was important to her not only to build your skills as a test taker, but to also allow you to bring that new knowledge into your clinical practice. This was something I loved about
Benefits of Pre-Marital Counseling
Benefits of Pre-Marital Counseling They’re excited. They’re in love and the day is quickly approaching when they marry the man/woman of their dreams. The next phase in life looks great. Most soon-to-be couples ask ‘What can possibly go wrong when you finally get to spend the rest of your days with your special someone?’ Why Few People Seek Pre-Marital Counseling Marriage is a big commitment, yet few engaged couples outside of religious communities go to pre-marital counseling. While most faith communities require couples to attend pre-marital counseling, couples with no faith background shy away from counseling. This has to do with fear. They don’t want to put a kink in a blossoming relationship. Engaged couples can be naïve and believe they can properly sort out their differences later. How Pre-Marital Counseling Can Help The benefits of pre-marital counseling, however, far outweigh the risks of addressing potential conflict before marriage. As a marriage and family therapist (MFT), you can offer engaged couples valuable advice. You can give them an unbiased, honest, outsider’s perspective on each partner’s shortcomings and bring up issues that need to be discussed before marriage. No marriage, after all, will be without disagreements and conflict. Pre-marital counseling is a key component in ensuring that couples will have marriages that last. You can address the communication and conflict resolution issues that lead to divorce and prepare them with a plan and solution for dealing with these inevitabilities.