Exam Prep Blog: April 2021

MFT Practice: Paraphilic Disorders

Submitted by Robin Gluck on Wed, 04/28/2021 - 05:53am

This month’s blog focuses on a lesser known diagnostic category, which could appear on both the California MFT Clinical or AMFTRB exams; paraphilic disorders. While these disorders may not be seen frequently in clinical practice, they can show up on the exam. The 8 types of paraphilic disorders in the DSM 5 are: Voyeuristic: watching unsuspecting people who are naked, undressing, or engaging in sexual activities Exhibitionistic: exposing genitalia to unsuspecting people Frotteuristic: touching or rubbing non-consenting people Sexual masochism: engaging in acts meant to cause self pain or

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ASWB Practice: Antisocial Personality Disorder Recall

Submitted by Heidi Tobe on Mon, 04/05/2021 - 03:00pm

This year, we’ve decided to try something new with our social work blogs to help highlight the different types of questions on the social work exams. When covering a new topic, we’ll take the first month to do a recall question on that topic. After that, the next month we’ll take the same topic and do a reasoning based question. While both the master’s level LMSW and clinical level LCSW ASWB exams have more reasoning than recall, you want to be prepared for both types of questions. For the months of April and May, we’ll cover the topic of Antisocial Personality Disorder. The last two months we

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