Exam Prep Blog: October 2019

Why is Self-Determination Important for Clients? LMSW Exam Prep

Submitted by Emily Pellegrino on Tue, 10/22/2019 - 08:34pm

This week's topic is what I believe to be one of the most important aspects of social work, and a term that is really good to know for the LMSW exam. When answering questions on the LMSW exam we always want to approach questions while keeping a client's sense of self-determination in mind. Self-determination encompasses so much of our work and ensures that the client is making decisions based on their own needs and wants. Before I get any further, let's get started with sample questions to help you prepare for the LMSW exam. Sample Question: All of the following are aspects of self

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3 Mistakes to Avoid When Working with Transgender and Non-binary Clients

Submitted by Kristie Overstreet on Mon, 10/21/2019 - 04:55pm

Have you ever worked with a client and felt unsure if you are providing the best support? Whether you are a new or seasoned therapist in the mental health field, we all can benefit from ensuring we are giving the best care. When you work with transgender and non-binary clients, it’s essential to provide the clinical care they deserve. Many transgender and non-binary people face hardships, which can include discrimination, fear of violence, suicide, as well as lack of family support. Clinicians need to be aware of how their assumptions and perspective affect their clinical presence. As

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Clinical Supervision on the ASWB Licensing Exams

Submitted by Heidi Tobe on Wed, 10/09/2019 - 07:43pm

This may come as a surprise to some LMSW and LCSW test-takers, but you are likely to see some questions on the ASWB exam asking what action a supervisor should take with their supervisee. The ASWB puts clinical supervision questions on their exams for two reasons.: 1. To assess whether social workers understand the purpose of and activities done in supervision; and 2. Once you pass this exam, supervising other social workers may be in your future! The NASW and ASWB collaborated to create a document on the Best Practice Standards in Social Work Supervision. While this goes into far greater

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Free MFT Practice Question: Bereavement

Submitted by Robin Gluck on Tue, 10/01/2019 - 06:29pm

If you are preparing for your California or National MFT Clinical exam, you will want to be familiar with the topic of bereavement. Uncomplicated bereavement, as it is termed in the DSM 5, should be considered when, “the focus of clinical attention is a normal reaction to the death of a loved one.” Bereavement is not considered a mental health disorder, but rather a condition that requires clinical attention or one that affects existing mental disorders. How might the topic of bereavement appear on your MFT Clinical Exam? You could be tested on: Diagnostic criteria for bereavement Different

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