Exam Prep Blog: March 2015

Understanding Mental Health Conservatorship

Submitted by Amanda Rowan on Tue, 03/10/2015 - 03:26am

Imagine you get a call for therapy services and the person on the phone tells you that he is the conservator for his 23 year-old daughter and would like her to get treatment with you? How does this affect your clinical practice with the daughter?

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Social Work Ethics: Understanding Confidentiality

Submitted by Amanda Rowan on Sat, 03/07/2015 - 12:49pm

What happens if a client dies? Social workers and MFTs frequently ask me legal and ethical questions related to their private practice or licensing prep. One question that I get asked about a lot is the limits to confidentiality, and when we can, or cannot release information. It’s really tricky because there are a lot of different factors that go into this. As practitioners we have a responsibility to our clients and legal responsibilities as well. Let’s take a closer look at this with a sample question:

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