MFT Exam Prep Reviews
Corrina Vidarte,
The program was very thorough yet it provided sample quizzes and exams that were closely related to the format of the actual exam. The study program helped in understanding how to process and go about answering the questions.
Angela Porter,
I thought the test was tricky, challenging, and yet I was very prepared! Thank you!
Surbhee Mehta, MFT
I was one of those people caught in the transition of the new exam structure. I took the SWE in November of 2015 and the new CCE in April, so I've had a lot of practice in reading lengthy questions! I did not pass the CCE in April missing the passing score by 1 point and running out of time! I guessed on questions 120-160 in the interest of time and left the last ten blank. I walked away feeling defeated and anxious, it's a traumatic experience. What I never doubted was TDC! I didn't use any other test prep company and felt supported by TDC and the coach I worked with. What we're taught works, if applied. As someone who loves to learn, I actually enjoyed studying and I internalized Amanda's voice and felt very supported. I re-strategized after not passing in April and worked on my anxiety and time management. I went in a few weeks ago for my re-test knowing where I needed to be timing wise and found my inner coach. I took 2 breaks and had 15 minutes to spare, and passed! So grateful!
Nefertari Rossell,
I took the Law and Ethics Exam on 9/23/16, and passed! I was pleased with the overall process for study prep with this program, as the approach is holistic. As an individual who is active and leads a healthy lifestyle, I was pleased with the encouragement from Amanda to eat well and exercise during the process of studying. Not only that, but the practice exams were prepared in a similar writing style as the actual exam questions. I am pleased to have passed the L&E exam on the 1st try, and am looking forward to passing the clinical exam soon! Thanks, TDC!
Cynthia Diwan,
I had the recurring thought during the exam that I was failing but used mindfulness to notice and let the thought go without reacting to it. I think not freaking out was key for me. I usually finished the practice tests with 20 plus minutes to spare, yet for the exam only had two minutes to spare. The test room in SF was really cold and I was extremely uncomfortable in a cotton long sleeve cardigan, long jeans and sandals. I wished I had a jacket or scarf or closed shoes. This program was very helpful and clearly organized which I appreciated. It did help me to think clearly and not get lost in the many words on the screen. It took about two months to get my results which blocked me from starting the clinical exam training. I couldn't bring myself to start studying for the next exam until I knew I cleared the Law and Ethics. I really appreciated the extension offered. This program was great on all accounts.