MFT Exam Prep Reviews
Khawla Fakhouri, MFT
I am grateful for the work that you and your team have put in to really understand and provide your students with precise and relevant educational material to help guide them to success.
Rebecca Schaal,
After not passing the 1st clinical version last year, I had to take the L&E exam before I could renew my intern registration again. I was so nervous I kept pushing the test back for almost a year. I'm so thankful for all the extensions you allowed me. I followed the program exactly as it was laid out and would commit to at minimum an hour everyday the entire month prior; literally shutting my office door and muting my phone at work to have my lunch and study! It worked and I passed! Also, the final prep audio seriously helped with my test anxiety as I listened to it twice on the drive down to my exam site. I will for sure be purchasing TDC's Study program for the second exam portion!
Debra Faith House,
TDC employs different modalities to the learning process. This is more congruent with how I take in information. Shocked and grateful that I passed the first time around. You are doing something right!!!!! Thank you!!!!! I plan to return to TDC for the clinical exam.
Cynthia Weary, MFT
I PASSED my exam on Oct. 14, 2106. Praise the Lord. I want to sincerely thank the following people for being part of my journey. I want you all to know this journey was challenging, however, life has taught me challenges, hardship, and setback produce perseverance. Asya Pogodina, I appreciate your response to my e-mail and words of encouragement. A special thanks to the Customer Support Team that always replied in a timely manner to correct any tech issues. Thank you Robin Gluck for for always responding to my questions, emails and your needed support during my study and times when I became discouraged. Megan Karlinsey, thank you for your support as well, I appreciate it. Amanda Rowan, I want you to know that you were in the testing room with me on exam day. I had to ask myself a few time 'what would Amanda say?' I kept hearing your voice :). I walked in feeling confident and repeatedly told myself 'Cynthia you got this.' I remained focused, praying, breathing, and used all of your strategies you taught in the lectures. I ate fruit just before the exam. I became a little stressed with about 13 minutes left because I was running out of time. I felt myself getting overwhelmed but I prayed, asking God to calm me down, because WE GOT THIS!! Amanda you are a great coach, I want you to know I appreciate your support. Blessings on you and your family. PS: 'I like your straight forwardness' during my study time, listening to you on audio, you really kept it real, it made me laugh. PS 2: Days before the exam, a friend took me on a long hike up hills and it was challenging and I almost decided to only go half way after I looked up and saw the length/height of the hill, however, I DID IT, I made it to the top of the big hill :) That vision in my mind helped me during the exam as well. I would like to say to anyone that is feeling discouraged or may have failed any part of the exam, to keep going, YOU WILL DO IT. I am encouraging you because I failed the exam twice, before passing. I have recommended your program to my co-workers that will be studying soon for the exam. To all Blessings and enjoy the rest of 2016 and Happy 2017.
Kristyn Fresz, MFT
This program is amazing and I kept Amanda with me the entire time. I felt completely prepared and I was able to work through any question. Thank you Amanda Rowan and staff! You do great work!