MFT Exam Prep Reviews
Richard Robbins,
TDC's questions were spot on to the style of questions and phrasing the BBS uses in the exam. After the first few questions I relaxed because it felt exactly like the practice tests.
Jamal Jones,
1-0 is all that matters! BE ENCOURAGED!!!
Brett Coder,
Thanks to TDC, I passed the MFT Law and Ethics exam the first go-around. Due to changes in the exam questions, it made sense that the exam was more difficult and confusing than the exam prep. Nevertheless, the content covered and test-taking strategies helped me keep my wits about me and get through it. Don't be fooled by claims by any reviews that the questions were 'just like the prep' because that's just not the case. Despite the differences in presentation, wording, and downright awkwardness of some of the actual questions, I still felt confident (enough!) as a result of about 4 weeks going through these materials. I am very grateful for the organization and thoroughness of the TDC exam prep and would recommend it to all aspiring MFTs. I've heard from too many interns who wasted time and money with other companies' materials and failing multiple times using the same failed test prep. Don't waste your money elsewhere and risk delays in moving forward to licensure. TDC has you covered with everything you need.
Suzanne Quijano,
Therapist Development Center prep materials for the L&E Exam were great. I passed both the MFT and LPCC exams and will now be using them for the clinical exams, too. Thank you, Robin, for being so patient and willing to help with all of my questions along the way!
Evelyn Natalya Fleischmen,
I was scoring in the low 70's on the practice MFT Law and Ethics exams and Final Mock exams and felt very discouraged. I'm used to scoring in 80's or 90's so 70's felt like failing for me. Fortunately, I spoke with my coach who said the low 70's was actually a good score, given that 25 of the 75 questions are not counted. She encouraged me to go ahead and take the exam, and to my surprise, I passed!!! I found that many of the questions on the actual exam were almost verbatim from the Mock exams. I really enjoyed studying for this test and appreciated being able to email my coach with any questions I had. I also shifted my attitude going into the exam, feeling confident rather than defeated, and I used the strategies taught by Amanda, which really helped. I am now about to study for the clinical exam and expect to pass!