MFT Exam Prep Reviews

Timothy Rogers,
TDC Is absolutely the best way to study for the Law & Ethics Exam. After changing the exam, TDC was updated and each study question prepared me for passing!
Miriam Gonzalez-Coultas,
Study materials are great! Love the audios! Listened to them on my way to work and when I was driving back home. I'm definitely purchasing the clinical part to get me ready for the next test.
Yazmin Sanchez,
I have tremendous test taking anxiety and found myself experiencing anxiety attacks a couple of weeks before the exam, but the program prepared me well not only in content but it provides reassurance that this is a tough and exciting process. I enjoyed the program and the self-care tips along the way. Thank you!
Katherine Butler,
I have never used a test prep app before, and was unsure of what I was paying for. TDC was awesome. The Law and Ethics exam is not the kind of exam you memorize facts and figures for. It's a test that attempts to quantify your therapeutic problem solving skills. TDC did a great job of both helping me feel ready for the test, and teaching me how to think about not only the test but how to practice therapy.
Suzanne Sickner,
This program is so well-designed. I really appreciate the initial tutorial that supports the test taker to create a study plan that is easy to stick to. The material was well-paced and to me, if followed, it seems impossible to not pass on one's first try. In addition to exam prep, the information is a good solid reminder of best practices.