MFT Exam Prep Reviews

Angie Quimbayo,
I have had my hours for over three years, the main thing holding me back from moving forward was my test anxiety. This program really helped build my confidence and I hope it does the same for the clinical exam!!! 
Kevin Petersen, MFT
I used this system and passed the exam on 10/16/16. I loved having a detailed schedule and the audio files were awesome. I felt very prepared and was confident I would do well. Thanks again for everything, it was money well spent.
Marion Swenson,
I highly recommend this study program not only for its excellent quality, but also for the kindness in support they offer. Thank you to all the coaches that responded to my very anxious inquiries!
Joshua M. Crocker,
I got 61% correct on the first mock exam and 68% correct on the second mock exam. I felt like I wanted more practice with mock exams so I could see better results, but when I got into the exam just as Amanda said, I felt I did not know whether I passed or not. Passing the first time was a huge relief and I'm very grateful for the preparation that I got through this program! This preparation material felt thorough and made my study time very directed and focused. I'm very satisfied!
Deena Esmeirat,
I studied for only four days only using your program and I felt super prepared to take the exam!!!