MFT Exam Prep Reviews

Raina Verma,
I think that the prep Amanda provides for 'how to study' and how to manage anxiety for the exams and the thoroughness of topics reviewed was excellent. Overall I am very thankful to the program and thankful to have passed!
Valerie Monroe, MFT
Thanks for helping me pass! I could not have done it without TDC!
Silvia Salay,
TDC helped me understand the material without feeling overwhelmed. Amanda's rationales helped me better understand the question stem.
Robin Andersen,
I'm a visual learner, so when I first learned about TDC, I had some reservations about listening to Amanda's audio lectures; however, after seeing several peers pass on their first attempts with TDC, I decided to take the plunge. Amanda's lectures were very straightforward, and it was easy to take notes as she talked about the 30 topics. I feel like Amanda only covered what was absolutely essential for the L&E exam, which I appreciated! Amanda helped me to stay on track by pacing myself with the lectures, and while I was extremely nervous about taking the exam, I felt prepared. I highly recommend TDC, and I'll be using TDC to study for the second exam as well!
Stephanie Cohen,
Amanda was so helpful! I loved taking the mock tests and listening to the rationales. I really enjoyed listening to her 24 hours prior to the test because I found myself replaying the audio during the test when I was feeling anxious. I will definitely use TDC for the Clinical Exam.