MFT Exam Prep Reviews

Donita Marie Dunlap-King,
I found Therapist Development Center to be very helpful and accurate about what questions and types of questions were asked on the BBS exam. They also were willing to extend time so I could study enough and gain confidence in my ability to pass. Thanks!
Brian E. Kellogg,
I struggled with passing the California LFMT exams on 2 occasions. After investing in the TDC, I was provided the content and thinking styles needed to pass this reasoning based exam that can be challenging for many individuals. I would recommend TDC to people looking to pass their exam and not get overloaded with the study process, study materials or exam prep stress that can lead to not passing. I have purchased other exam prep materials and have not benefitted from them, in fact they led to poor study habits and poor test results. With TDC, you will feel confident knowing that examination preparation and success is more than a bunch of memorization.
Brian E. Kellogg,
Jennifer O'Grady,
I only used TDC and I felt very well prepared. It helped me not only review the material but also how to manage my anxiety. I used the strategies to calm my test anxiety throughout the exam. I highly recommend TDC!!!!
Wendy Taylor Greenleaf,
This exam was very stressful, and covered quite a lot. I reviewed the study materials three times! Thank you for the comprehensive information, and the breakdown (i.e. 'top 30'). I found it very helpful after taking the practice tests to RE-LISTEN SPECIFICALLY to the 'top 30' audios- and I gleaned more detail (especially what had been errors in my practice tests). There was just so much to absorb. THANK YOU! I will be in touch to study for the clinical exam SOON.