MFT Exam Prep Reviews
Eric I. Purdy, MFT
I just want to thank Amanda and the rest of the TDC staff for your excellent study materials once again (TDC also helped me pass the Law & Ethics Exam) in helping me pass the Clinical Exam on my first attempt today (11/30/16). I whole heartedly have to say that your study program was so helpful in helping me organize my study time. I also liked your step by step approach in presenting the study materials in a logical fashion. Having Amanda's audio files to listen to and go over the rationale's after taking quizzes and mock exams was so invaluable. I think what helped me the most while taking the exam today was keeping close track of my time, remembering your test taking strategies like 'attacking the test' and learning to be comfortable with uncertainty. Because like you prepared us, since this exam is based on evaluating our reasoning skills and clinical judgment, not just memorization or knowledge, we might feel like we're failing the test, which I did feel that way, but I kept reminding myself to press on and I'm happy to say that in the end I passed- yay!! I would also like to thank the many friends and co-workers who believed in me, and kept me in their thoughts and prayers- they worked!!! God is good- all the time.
Freddie Barahona,
I took the exam in July for the first time and did not pass by 3 points. A passing score was 35 and I received 32. I was quite upset because it took me 6 weeks to get the result that I didn't pass. While I was waiting, I just assumed that I was going to pass and I began studying for the clinical exam. In hindsight this was a good idea for me because Law and Ethics were covered again with slightly new information from the Law and Ethics curriculum. When I received my failing score I was upset because of the waiting period and because I felt that my scores were high enough on all of the practice exams. I changed my strategy and focused on memorizing whether issues were law, ethics, or both. I memorized which topics are both with a mnemonic device CRAPS IS FAIR, where the first C stands for confidentiality, the R for Records and so forth. By the time I took the second exam I felt more confident. What I noticed while taking the test is that the questions seemed more similar to the TDC practice questions than the first test I took. This made me feel better because I reasoned that I may just have had an experimental batch the first time. I am now getting ready to take the second exam.
Jennifer Haggerty,
Great program!
Morgan Mizell,
This program covered everything exceptionally well. After the mock exams and reviewing the rationales, I felt very confident going in. I leaned in and paced myself. I was absolutely shocked at how similar the exam was to the mock exams. I honestly felt like I was at home. I loved the advice of marking questions when the answer didn't pop out. I did this with 4 questions and seemed to have more clarity when I returned to them. I will definitely be using TDC for the clinical test! Thank you!!
Julie Sonye,
I would recommend to use this study guide, it does prepare you for the test. My advice is to not rush through the exam or worry about time.