MFT Exam Prep Reviews

Martha Zendejas,
Just want to say the study material is very easy to follow and to process. I did not feel stressed out studying for this exam.
Sharon Kay Myers, MFT
I previously experienced test-taking anxiety that totally left me in a complete panic. My mind would simply go blank. I would stare at the screen and not comprehend anything I was reading. After taking your program, utilizing the practice tests, mock exam and following Amanda's suggestions for test-taking, I was able to think clearly while focusing on the material in front of me. Amanda's calm, pleasing voice was was beside me the entire 4 hours. Thank you so much Amanda and TDC. I could not have done it without you!
Teale Taxis,
This is a fantastic study program. I loved all of it and actually found myself enjoying my learning and study process throughout the program. I've become a better clinician as a result of this information and the way I've engaged with it through studying for the exam. Really happy with it! Actually looking forward to getting my study exam for the Clinical Exam. Cheers!
Ronnie Diener,
The overall approach and attitude of your program made the material seem reasonable and make sense, which is amazing to me since I find this plethora of new rules completely unreasonable and unnecessarily oppressive to the therapist. The personal attention I was given was invaluable and I would not have passed otherwise. See you in January for the clinical exam prep. Thank you so much!
Kelly LaPorta,
I really liked TDC. It was well organized and really helped me gain knowledge on the Law and Ethics of being an MFT. I know I couldn't have done it without TDC, so I am grateful! And I would recommend it to friends.