MFT Exam Prep Reviews
I was surprised to learn that I had passed the exam due to not being able to sleep the night before as I struggle with test anxiety. Not only did I pass but I got a higher score than on any of the practice tests, a score to be proud of. So this is a true testament that the information presented is done in such a way that we truly absorb it and we are able to digest it such that you can perform even on little to no sleep. I went through the program diligently (twice) and took the practice exams the maximum times allowed. I have already recommended the class to all my cohort that is studying right now. In addition, there is significant knowledge in this course that will benefit me in my career moving forward. Thank you for taking the time to develop this course, I am very grateful.
I passed my Law and Ethics test on the first try using TDC and then passed my Clinical on the first try too! Traditionally I do not do well on multiple choice tests. Even in college I was a straight A student, but scored only a C when I took multiple choice tests. Using TDC made all the difference in the world. Not only did the course prepare me 100% for the tests, you taught me how to successfully take this multiple choice test and control my anxiety throughout the process. I cannot thank you enough for this course. I work Crisis so I don't use theories very often - my work day is filled with assessing people for 5150 criteria and working with emergency room physicians and psychiatrists, not conducting therapy. As you know I was very concerned about coming up to speed with all the theories to the level of passing the clinical exam. WOW! You covered the theories well, I must have listened to each audio a minimum of 8 times and then your tutoring helped me organize myself to actually learn the theories and not just memorize words. Thank you so much. I highly recommend your program.
The road has been long for me, I am not a great test taker in general. I failed the Law and Ethics 2 times using another program, which left me with a lot more anxiety getting prepared the next time around. I went with TDC due to recommendations from others in the clinic I was at. I was surprised on the holistic approach of preparing for these exams; coaching on how to think, self-care during the study process and a guarantee to stick with you until you pass! I really enjoyed the ability to listen to the lectures on the go; as I would just stream the content from my phone sitting in traffic, taking walks, which really helped with balancing other time commitments. The mock exams and rationales were very well put together and prepare you more than enough for the actual exam. Since using the TDC program, I passed both exams, Law and Ethics (3rd attempt,1st with TDC) and the Clinical on my 1st attempt. Really owe it all to TDC and its true, you really do 'hear' Amanda's voice reading the question stem during the actual exam. Thanks TDC!
TDC is truly amazing! I used the program for both my L&E and clinical exam. As a person who have always had issues with comprehension, TDC helped me with reading strategies on the day of the exam. TDC moc exams were actually harder than the exam. I was initially frustrated because i failed the exam twice. I was confused because the program made me so confident with the material. I thought to myself, I know all of this stuff what the heck!!! The third time taking the exam I had no anxiety. I thought to myself lets have fun in the same way I had fun learning! I enjoyed diagnosing, the law vs ethics quizzes and crisis. So I sat down and said this exam does not define me lets have some fun. With that mindset everything was so clear. Reading word for word I was able to clearly see what the questions were asking of me. Thank you TDC staying with me until I passed!!
I want to say thank you to the TDC family. I PASSED with the TDC study program! This was my second attempt at the exam. The first time I took the exam, I used the AATBS study program and failed. I will admit that I adapted the material to my own way of studying and that may have contributed to my failure. This time I decided to follow the TDC program to the letter. I am so thankful for this program because it taught me how to pass the exam, not just memorize the material. That’s what made the difference for me, leaning how the read the questions and think with my therapist hat on. The most significant skill I leaned from TDC was to read carefully and rule out questions that don’t fit! I’m so happy to be done and forever grateful for TDC because I don’t believe I would have passed without it!!!