Social Work Exam Prep Reviews

Mariah D. Kaffka, LCSW

TDC study system is concise, to the point and hits the mark. The audio workshops and rationales on mock exams really fine tuned what was needed (in all domains) to effectively study and pass the CA BBS LCSW. I would definitely recommend to colleagues/co-workers.

David Sonatore, LCSW

The rigor of the LCSW exam can't be met with strategy alone. TDC arms you with an all encompassing knowledge to "attack" this test with confidence and sound reasoning skills. Much in the way that athletes or performers prepare for an event, TDC sets you up with the play book, scrimmages and dress rehearsals you need to minimize the uncertainties and anxieties inherent in this demanding test taking experience. All that's left to be done on exam day is to just answer the questions one by one. Passed on my first attempt and couldn't be more grateful!

Marissa Cota, LCSW

This program is great! I want to thank My coach, Bethany who always responded and kept in contact with me. She definitely help with my anxiety and worry. The material is straight forward and a great way to prepare for this exam. The test was not easy but I know the techniques I learned helped me passed. Thinking as if each question was a real life scenario and Amanda was there with me helped me get through it! Thank you!!!

Uganda Jones, LCSW

I took the test 3 times before I bought the TDC system. I failed twice with the system by 1 and then by 8. Bethany helped me through the process of test anxiety and relaxation. I took the exam and passed it, without really studying again, just a review was good enough, because the information is presented so well. If you study hard, YOU WILL PASS! 

Riley Baker, LCSW

I passed the LCSW standard exam on my first try!!! Thank you to TDC for developing an organized, user friendly program that made me feel confident, and gave me the knowledge I needed to pass on test day. I used all the strategies I learned during the exam and it helped me get through the more difficult questions. I would recommend this program for anyone who needs to take the CA LCSW exams!!!!