MFT Exam Prep Reviews
TDC was INCREDIBLY helpful getting me organized for the exam and setting appropriate expectations. I have recommended TDC to everyone in my program and I would highly recommend it to anyone else searching for help preparing for their exams
I cannot express how grateful I am at how accessible this course is. I work a 40+ hour week and I still feel like it was totally manageable. I was nervous on the day of the exam, but I knew that I had the material covered and that was a huge relief. Thank you!!!
I had tried other programs, but they were boring and confusing. They tried teaching you acronyms. I already felt confused with all the material they had. It was very expensive as well. I really enjoyed this program. Amanda explained it in a way that made a lot of sense. Thank you!
I am deeply grateful to Amanda Rowan ad TDC. The "We're with you till you pass" motto was really played out in my personal journey. Although I only took the test once (and passed !) it's been a long road getting here with bumps along the way. The demands of working and family and later a closer personal loss all slowed me down. Still, when I asked for an extension on more than one occasion, my requests were granted and I felt supported. By sitting down and mapping out my study habits as directed in this program and then following up with the work I felt really well prepared and confident. In my opinion, this is the best prep program available. Thanks so much to the entire Therapist Development Center Team. One down & one more to go!!!
I purchased Grossman testing materials/practice exams and felt overwhelmed with the information given. Plus it didn't help that I was scoring 70% or lower on their practice exams. I talked to a friend who was recently licensed and she suggested TDC. The first practice test I scored a 77% and after going through the step by step testing material provided I felt very confident. It was the confidence booster I needed. I didn't realize I really needed someone to set a planned schedule for studying until I got the one Amanda sets out for us. I studied during anytime off I had (after work and 6 hrs a day on the weekends) for two weeks and passed the L&E.