MFT Exam Prep Reviews

Aline Ungari Monzillo Bendeck, MFT

TDC Study Material helped me greatly! I don't think I would have passed both exams the first time as I did without using these materials. I highly recommend it to anyone on this study journey towards licensure, it will definitely make the difference at the end! Thank you TDC! Let the celebrations begin!!!

Maria Coleman, MFT

I want to thank you for your program. It was my style of studying, had enough information without being overwhelming and had very good strategies.

Jennifer R. Levin, MFT

I used the TDC for the Law and Ethics exam and passed on my first try. I allowed myself to be persuaded to use another company for the clinical exam and 6 weeks in the prep I was absolutely miserable and overwhelmed. I switched back to TDC and was so relieved to hear Amanda's voice and return to a format that worked for me. I learned so much and went into the exam with a positive attitude. This is really a great program. Thank you

Shannon Klosak, MFT

I would like to say that I know that I would not have passed this exam without the TDC study system. I could literally hear Amanda's voice in the exam. It is so true when Amanda says that while taking this exam you are going to feel like you are not passing. I felt that way the entire time I was taking the exam. But the pep talk helps you to plan for that feeling. Also stopping and taking a break to drink some juice and eat some fruit as suggested helped immensely. The test was challenging and theory heavy, but if you study and listen to the audio, you will pass. I will forever be grateful to TDC. I could not have passed both exams without TDC. I submitted my application for licensure today and it was the best feeling in the world.

Rachel Votaw, MFT

Thank you Amanda for helping me pass the most challenging and most important academic hurdle of my life. I'm still in awe that I passed and am so excited to move forward in my career, which is the whole point of all of this anyway, right!? Thank you, truly.