MFT Exam Prep Reviews

Priscilla Wetmore, MFT

Thank you for all your preparation and help. I felt ready and confident for the exam. It was hard, but nothing different from your practice tests.

Samantha Perkins, MFT

I highly recommend this program and have told many people at my job site who are getting ready for the L&E exam as well as the Clinical Exam. I used TDC for both and passed both times on the first try! This was especially hard for me because I had not reviewed any of this material since I graduated my program in 2012. So I had a lot to review. I felt nervous taking the tests, but I just trusted that I knew the material that the TDC prepared me with, and I passed! I can't thank them enough for all the materials and help.

Suzette A. Toscano,

I reviewed all of the material twice, took all of the practice exams twice, thoroughly reviewed missed answers on each practice exam and listened to rationales. When it came time to test I felt confident in my understanding of the L&E material and in my ability to strategically attack the exam process. I highly recommend this program and feel that it was key in my ability to pass the exam on my first try!

Ana McParland,

This program is very easy and practical to understand. The information is clear. The coach support is very generous and supportive.

Amy Woh,

Superior program, really enjoyed the structured content and audio lecture. It was ENJOYABLE to study using this program and the real exam felt so manageable and even easy because I used this prep program.