MFT Exam Prep Reviews

Debi Emmons,

THANK YOU...I passed the first time! Although I became anxious during the test I was easily able to collect my thoughts and move forward. The state dependent techniques that Amanda shared helped me tremendously. Of all the coaching that Amanda provided, the one thing that helped me feel solid in answering questions was the suggestion to determine WHAT the question was asking before considering the answers--knowing whether they are asking you to respond from a LEGAL or ETHICAL view is vital! I reached out several times to ask questions, and Robin provided me with quick clarification of my questions and helped me move through my anxiety with some simple suggestions. I am very grateful of the TDC program and for Amanda and the team that support you until you pass!

Sharon L. DeMarco,

The study material provided by TDC was great at preparing me for the test and was most definitely worth the investment. I would for sure recommend TDC to any of my colleagues who are pursuing their licensure.

Mary Catherine Militello,

Excellent study guide. The pep talk is outstanding! Don't miss it! I also think that the best way to review for the test after you have completed the study guide and the practice tests is to go back to listen again to the Top 30 MFT Topics at the very beginning of the study guide. I kept getting confused on the topics of privilege and child abuse and neglect, and by listening to those sections again, I felt confident going into the test. I used all 90 minutes to take the test. I marked questions as I went along and did not have time to review all of them at the end. I was afraid that I wasn't going to finish the test when I only had 30 minutes remaining because I had to reread the questions several times to figure out what they were asking. However, I ended up with 16 minutes to review my marked answers. Recognize that there are some answers you are never going to be sure of and keep moving on. By allowing yourself to mark the questions, I kept moving on.

Keshia Humphrey,

I tried another study program, but there was so much information in it that I did not know where to start. A coworker told me about this program, and I bought it immediately.  I used the study program provided, and by the time I was to take my test I felt very comfortable and prepared to take it. With prayer and the study material I was able to pass my test.

Tim Leslie, MFT

The frames used for answering the questions was especially helpful for me especially around treatment planning. That area tends to get glossed over in training and paying attention to key words was crucial in my mastering the material on my second time taking the exam.