MFT Exam Prep Reviews

Lisa Soto Dunlop, MFT

I walked into both exams feeling prepared and confident. The TDC did a great job providing the right study materials, practice tests, perspective and insight in how to take these types of tests. Money well spent! Thank you, TDC!

Erica Chambers, MFT

The program was very comprehensive. Coaches were very supportive. The test taking strategies I learned and content information helped me go into the test with confidence. I would definitely recommend this program. Thank you!

Heather Dreme McLennan,

Excellent course! I felt confident when I went to take the exam, and saw a number of questions that were actually on this course's study exam. I will definitely be using this course for the Clinical Exam as well!

Catherine Seckington, MFT

Hello TDC! The fog has finally lifted from passing the Clinical exam. It didn't really hit me until yesterday when I woke up and realized that I didn't have to study!! Your test prep and support was spot-on what I needed to pass the MFT exams. I learned a lot too… Thank you so much for creating such a great, comprehensive, manageable program. Keep up the good work. What you do matters.

Elizabeth Wray,

As stated, taking the exam you do not feel that you are passing, or at least you question it. But I felt confident with TDC and knew that if I went in and 'leaned into' the test, I would own it and I did. TDC did a great job of preparing me and many of the questions I smiled at because TDC had used one similar and I felt prepared and ready to pass this test!