MFT Exam Prep Reviews

Dena Robertson,

TDC helped me pass the L&E exam. The practice tests and explanations after were the most helpful.

Karen M. Wall,

I have never been a good test taker, so when faced with taking one, I have to have a way to study that will help me feel calm and confident at exam time. I had heard about TDC from fellow interns, so I checked it out. I liked the looks of what was offered, and for the price, I thought it would be a good investment. The way the study program is laid out by sections and steps is exactly the way I study the best. The pre-test gave me an opportunity to see where my current strengths and weaknesses are. From there, I enjoyed the (not too lengthy, thank you very much!) audio lectures going over the concepts and quiz questions, and more practice tests. I like how the practice tests were specific for categories of information so I could concentrate better on that subject and get in ingrained in my head. As I took each successive practice test, I could feel my confidence really building up to the point that I got quicker taking tests. I felt like the TDC team really stayed connected with me for support. If I had to contact them for anything, they responded right away. I needed an extension, and it was no problem at all. A most welcome aspect of the program was the guarantee to 'stay with me until I pass' without making me pay extra for anything. They stuck to their word and took the stress off of me that other programs would have given me by having deadlines to use the materials, or having to attend live classes. I could go online anytime, anywhere, from any device and just study as much and as long as I wanted- at MY pace. When I finally got to my exam, I saw that the questions on the exam were like what I had studied as far as concepts and topics. I was able to go through the majority of the questions pretty quickly and confidently. If I had to spend more time on an unfamiliar question, I was able to figure out the rationale and select the response needed. I felt calm enough to go slow and use the whole time (usually my test anxiety makes me hurry and get out). I have already been recommending the program to my fellow interns, so I hope they will make the investment. Thanks, TDC, for a wonderful study program! Oh, by the way.....I PASSED!!!!!

Allison Rudnick,

What everyone says is true! This program really does prepare you for this exam. Thank you Amanda and TDC!

Joshua Busson,

Thank you TDC! I felt the lectures and practice exams were thorough and very helpful in passing the exam on the first try!!!

Paul Alan Gutrecht,

Amanda's materials maximize the absorption of content while identifying and reinforcing key test taking strategies. Thanks to her thoughtful rationales, every mistake I made was a valuable opportunity for learning, and I passed the test on my first try, using no other test prep materials.