MFT Exam Prep Reviews

Chantise Edwards,

I utilized the TDC study program for the MFT Law and Ethics Exam and successfully passed on the first attempt. I will gladly recommend this study program to others. My experience with TDC was the audio seminars are easy to understand and Amanda explains the material in a comfortable format to follow.

Jessica Lamden,

TDC is a terrific study program and very easy to follow. I went through the process only once and felt very prepared. Amanda's recorded rationales were the perfect learning tool for me and it helped tremendously to bring her voice into the test room, just like she recommended. It was calming to imagine her saying, 'would A be an appropriate answer? Absolutely,' or her resounding, 'No!'s.' Like Amanda suggested, I 'tolerated uncertainty' trusting that staying calm going from question to question reading every word of each stem and every word of the answers would take me to a PASS!

Barbara J. Suggs,

It was a very positive experience using your study program. It provided me with a good grasp of the concepts and gave me confidence to take and pass the test.

Trinity Hart,

Thank you TDC and Amanda! You helped me to learn specific reasoning skills and knowledge in a way that was easy, structured, and at a pace I could realistically manage based on my schedule. I feel like a more competent clinician after having used this program and am ever grateful for the support of navigating this test. I highly recommend TDC for other colleagues preparing for the BBS Law & Ethics Exam, no doubt.

Jacylyn Castrillo Jones, MFT

I was surprised that the exam felt exactly like the practice exams. Half way through the exam I was confident that I was going to pass. The questions were very similar and I did not encounter anything that I was not prepared for. Thank you, TDC!