MFT Exam Prep Reviews

Soheila Ferdowsian,

I felt TDC covered most topics on the exam. Studying with TDC helped me feel confident to take the exam. I really appreciated hearing the audios, the most important learning tool for me! Please let Amanda know English is my second language and without TDC, I would have had so many problems understanding and learning the material. My family is so proud of me :) Thank you sooo much!!!

Nissa Jackman, MFT

As someone who has not tested well in the past, I can whole heartedly recommend TDC as a study guide for the LMFT process. I used it for both exams and found the material to be relevant, concise, and well organized. The study tips and testing strategies were very helpful in understanding how to approach each test and question.

Jean Chow,

TDC's study materials are far superior than any others, it is the best, plus an excellent team of coaches are always available to help. Thank you Robin, you are a great coach!

Haesue Jo,

This study system was perfect for someone like me, someone that needs structure, guidance, and encouragement.

Kiaundra Jackson,

I am a MFT and I would highly recommend this program. I was able to listen to the lectures on the go which suited my lifestyle and study at my own pace. I didn't feel bombarded with materials. I am using this ONLY to study for my clinical exam also.