MFT Exam Prep Reviews

Hannah Green,

I am so grateful for the Therapist Development Center! The study program you created not only enabled me to pass the CA Law and Ethics exam- it gave me more confidence and clarity as a clinician. I truly enjoyed the program and I learned so much! If you are on the fence about trying this program- just do it. If you follow the steps and follow directions you will pass the test and come out of the training a better therapist. Enjoy!

Bosco Ho,

I passed my first BBS exam on Law and Ethics. I am thankful for the materials that TDC prepared for us. I am a full-time MFT intern and a father of one. It is impossible to have time to study after work; after work I have my family life and responsibilities. Honestly, I listened to all of the audio during my lunch hour break and while sitting in LA traffic. I took the mock exams during my lunch break as well. TDC is the only place that I found very useful and reliable. I will definitely sign up for TDC again for my clinical exam. Once again, I am thankful for the materials and support I received from TDC.

Irene Velasco, MFT

I have recently passed the California Clinical Exam and it wouldn't have been possible without the help of TDC. I'm a new mom, a full time employee, and English is my third language. All components of the review (audio clips, pdfs, mock exams) were very helpful; hence, I suggest that you don't skip any part of the review. I have a very bad case of test anxiety, and I only slept for an hour or two the night prior to the test, but I tried my best to stay focused and remember what I had learned from the review. Upon completion of the review, you notice that you start thinking/analyzing like Amanda which I believe to be the best and the most essential tool you need on the exam day. The exam was very DIFFICULT (at least to me it appeared to be) and when I started stressing myself out on the test, I reminded myself that the best answer is in the choices and that I need to trust my judgment because I came into this test very prepared. Thank you TDC for all your help.

Senait Admassu,

I have to say that I am the true example of someone who depends on your study center. What is impressive to me is not only the study materials but also your non-stop support. Your purpose of having the center shows through your characters, you want us to achieve our goal. Social work is not an easy career and doesn't pay much. You also understand well that having a license is a higher ride to both career and financial advancement. I personally am holding back my career advancement because of the license and I am under so much pressure to have my license because of what I do for communities. Sometimes I feel ashamed to ask you to extend because it has been over two years since I purchased the study guide and I am dealing with anxiety and other life stressors. When I took the L&E exam I really felt Amanda was with me, hearing her voice as I listened in the study audio. I was confident and finished 20 minutes early. I would like to take this opportunity to offer my deep appreciation for your tremendous understanding and support. I have shared my stories with my colleagues and recommended your center for the new graduates. Thank you so much.

Kathryn Santos, MFT

Truly appreciated this test prep! Thank you TDC!