MFT Exam Prep Reviews

Jazzmin M. Cohen,

Prior to using TDC, I tried another service and felt overwhelmed by the materials and the price. Fortunately, a friend recommended TDC and I felt as if a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders and I was no longer worried about studying for the Law and Ethics exam. Thank you so much TDC for the awesome materials and exam preparation tips.

Wendy Reiser,

TDC thoroughly prepared me to take and PASS the Law and Ethics exam. I especially liked the pep talk's advice to 'attack' the test and 'I can figure this out!'  By articulating each question word for word, I started picking out key words that made it clear what the answer was. Thank you TDC!!!! Now, onto the clinical exam!

Michelle Harrison,

I'm incredibly grateful to TDC. Amanda, Robin, you ladies rock! I have such an analytical mind, TDC really helped me get out of my head and trust my clinical judgement more. The questions TDC has were so close to the actual questions, it made me feel very comfortable as I answered them. They did not seem foreign as with other study materials I have tried. I am actually looking forward to the clinical vignette because I believe TDC will really prepare me. Thanks again!!!!

Jennifer Santillan,

Love the audio recordings. Made it accessible from anywhere. The mock exam and final mocks were so similar to the test. The rationales helped clarify things that were confusing. Tips were oh so helpful too. Just a great program and worth the money. Will be back when it's time to take clinical exam.

Takoosh Abrahamian,

Thank you TDC I just received my passing score from PSI. I could not have done it without your help and support. You are awesome thank you again.