MFT Exam Prep Reviews
I felt confident going into the Law and Ethics exam and was able to quickly identify questions that were very similar to questions and topics presented on TDC mock exams. I also appreciated the thorough rationales that were offered for the mock exams.
I was highly anxious prior to studying with TDC, but after studying this material I felt so much more confident. Thank you!
You guys are awesome..I feel like I didn't just learn information for the test, but I am prepared to critically think about how to handle real life issues when I am actually in them as a licensed therapist.
Thanks to the organization of TDC materials and study schedule, I was able to forgo a great deal of anxiety and simply trust in the process. This helped me immensely during the exam as I felt relaxed and confident in reasoning through the questions. I left the exam feeling confident and happy knowing that I had applied myself to studying as prescribed by your program. Thank you for developing a program that takes into account the importance of self-care. No other program that I have seen has the comprehensive approach, with research based techniques to enhance the effectiveness of study time and apply it directly to the test taking process itself. Obviously I'm a fan. I have been approved to take the Clinical Exam! I am using TDC materials to study for the next big step! Wish me luck! And, many thanks to Amanda Rowan and her team.
I just want to say THANK YOU for putting together a program that includes everything you need to know legally and ethically as a therapist. You not only covered things important to know for the test, but offered information to help us become better therapists! The material was not overwhelming and easy to understand. I love the idea of eating a snack in the car before going in to take the It worked...I passed!