Social Work Exam Prep Reviews

Bianco Holmon, LCSW

Hello all!!!! I took my LCSW exam today and I passed!!!! When I saw the word "PASS" on the screen, tears came to my eyes and I cried like a baby. Thank you for working with me, granting me extension after extension and giving me the edge I needed to pass!!!!!

Kory L. May, LMSW

April 19, 2016 I passed my exam using the information and the strategies provided to me through the (TDC) study system. Let me begin by saying when I first came to the TDC, I informed my coach Heidi Tobe that my background was in criminal justice, and that upon my career change I had decided to become a therapist. In my pursuit of this career change and landing an outpatient therapist position at a not for profit, I was informed by my supervisor after my last exam failure that I would need to pass the provisional examination per the agency's funding to secure my employment moving forward. I informed my coach Heidi that after 20 years of using correctional intervention as a counselor, I kept reverting to my old ways of thinking, which in the end led me down the incorrect path when answering exam questions using other materials.  Also, I had developed anxiety so severe that I literally would catch myself holding my breath before answering questions. Heidi wasted no time ensuring me that all would be fine. While working with the TDC study system, I learned to think within the question stem and not just validate as other programs had suggested previously in my failures. This technique of learning lessened my anxiety, giving me a feeling of confidence that I had the knowledge and the skills needed to figure out any question thrown my way exam or no exam. I found that repeating questions, quick studies, and scenarios out loud not only reinforced my learning and thought processes, but it also sharpened my response time. The audio and the strategies taught by Amanda allowed me to put things in order and assume that each answer could possibly be done at some point. Also by using this technique I became proficient at removing answers that had no relevance to the question stem at all. Last but not least, having easy access to my coach Heidi we developed a system that allowed me to ask her questions and email her previous incorrect questions after completing the quizzes and mock exams. That way we could go over the rationale and she never made me feel stupid or odd, she was just really empowering. To hear her repeat over and over again "Kory you've got this" and that she had seen enough to know that I have what it takes encouraged me and really made me feel as though we were a team. The thorough TDC program allowed me to go into this exam on April 19th focused and relaxed and I passed!!! The night before and the day of the exam I was like a little Kid, texting and emailing Heidi with last minute relaxation techniques and looking toward the future when I will take my clinical exam after achieving this milestone. Up until the last minute that day we emailed, and as I said, I felt as though she was going into the exam with me and I had Amanda's voice in my back pocket in case I began to panic or anything went wrong. I had been told by so many that this was impossible to do long before I entered the field of social work, and here I am passing my exam!!!  As soon as I passed I yelled "are you kidding me" and the Pearson staff escorted me out, but laughed and told me that I was the first one they've seen pass this week! I used the techniques I learned by removing irrelevant answers from the stem that I knew were incorrect and even before clicking submit I knew I had more than a shot to pass. I knew what it felt like to fail, but something was different this time. I expected to see the word PASS! I know this was very lengthy, but this program saved my career and allowed me to keep practicing with my clients. When I texted my boss she said the entire agency literally went up in celebration. None of us wanted to say goodbye. I owe you guys everything. Heidi god bless you and thank you for holding my hand the entire time and praying for me.

Robbie Johnson, LMSW

Just wanted to let you know that I passed the exam on the first try. I especially appreciated your DSM V "What's the Difference?" Thanks so much!

Shaina Feingold, LMSW

TDC was very helpful in organizing me the for exam. Having been working in the field for 2+ years prior to taking the exam, it would have been hard to recall all the information that was covered on the test without some guidance. I would strongly recommend this program for others in my situation.

Kathleen Moriarty, LCSW

This was a great program! I like that this program utilized a variety of teaching methods to help me learn the information. I really appreciate that the prep work was taken care of for me- all I had to do was follow along and learn.