Social Work Exam Prep Reviews

Amy E. Shane, LMSW

TDC helped me so much with prepping for this exam in a short amount of time! As someone who struggles with written examinations, I felt prepared entering the exam.  Thanks to Heidi, my coach, who continued to support me throughout my studying! Thank you!

Amy Mclaughlin Margolis,

I think your study center is the best out there by far! THANK YOU. I am so grateful I passed. I DROVE AWAY HAVING NO IDEA! THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

Rene' Marie Arlinghaus,

I have pretty bad test anxiety and do not typically do well on standardized exams so I came into this test with apprehension, but I did what Bethany said and "took her into the test with me." I actually broke down the tricky test questions just like we did in the study sessions and used my clinical judgment. I have gone through other study programs with poor results but am now encouraged to go though the clinical portion just as I did this one and finally pass.

Bethany Dunn,

Therapist Development Center's program was wonderful. The program provided me with structure and streamlined information, making studying very manageable and not at all overwhelming. The practice exams and audio lectures were especially helpful and I felt super prepared for the exam. Most importantly, this study system helped me to integrate and understand CA Law and Ethics in a way that has strengthened my practice as a clinician. Many thanks to the team and I highly recommend this program to anyone studying for the CA Law and Ethics exam!

Theodore J. Brown,

I came, I saw and thanks to Therapist Development Center...I conquered!! I have a couple of social work friends that were studying for their LCSW exam and I had not even got my hours yet, I would refer them to Therapist Development Center because of all the great things I it was a natural choice that I would use it when my time came. I hate having to pay the money, but hey I figured if I do it I might as well do it right. I purchased the program on May 6th and took and passed the Law and Ethics on May 14th, first time taking it. I say pretty darn good investment. The test questions I thought were unnecessarily tough when I took the real exam, but I can say using Therapist Development Center got me the best prepared for them. Will surely use for the second part of the California Exam!