MFT Exam Prep Reviews
Program was great! I appreciate the talks about calming your anxiety and keeping focus through the test. I feel that pep talk was the most important. Thank you again.
All my intern friends who use the TDC course pass. I hate to say it, but those who don't, don't! This is the only way to go, in my book. It's impossible to prepare us for the exact questions that will be on the exam, but this course really taught me how to think like the exam; how to use the logic of the exam. Using what I'd learned, I was able to figure it out in the moment. It was a hard test but I felt confident! And I never have to take it again! HOORAY! Thanks TDC!
This program was great! I passed both the Law and Ethics and the Clinical MFT exams on the first try. Very thorough explanations and I appreciated how they focused less on the content that you could memorized and more on the strategies which are skills you definitely don't develop in school. Highly recommended to everyone.
I was confident from the start that TDC was the right choice for my study materials. My school program was specialized, so I really appreciated having some of the theoretical review. As a more auditory learner, I appreciated the presentation of the study materials and enjoyed the rationales as though I were in the room with a patient and kind teacher. Thank you!
Thank you TDC! These materials have been essential for both the Law & Ethics and Clinical Exam. The most helpful element is the support on how to read the questions. Once I recognized whether the question was asking about assessment, goals, or interventions, I noticed my scores increased. The material is thorough and really does increase clinical thinking and decision making. The pep talk at the end was really helpful. I found that taking that break for food at question 100 is essential for this marathon exam. Thank you also for the generous extension after I suffered an injury right before my original test date. I can tell you truly care about your consumers and I will recommend this program to anyone following this pathway!