MFT Exam Prep Reviews

Paula Lin, MFT

TDC offers a helpful breakdown of important information to learn for the test. More importantly, you take her "voice" with you to the test. I was able to "attack" the test by pinpointing the important things to look for in each question step based on the practice tests. I passed both tests the first time with TDC and I was able to extend my use of the program as long as I needed to until I was ready to take the test.

Luis Martinez,

TDC does an amazing job at preparing you for your exams. They provide extensive help and guidance throughout the entire process. I almost feel as if I was over prepared for my exam after taking this course and then my exam. The preparation was far more intense than my exam, which made my exam that much easier. Awesome job TDC.

Elena Ducreux,

I could not have done it without the support of The Therapist Development Center. I came in very prepared, and utilized what I learned during my course of studying.

Leila Samrad,

Therapist Development Center helped me to organize my time well and to learn how to think about the questions and about what answer made the most sense. I found this course very helpful and will definitely use the MFT course when studying for my licensing exam. I remembered all of the trips on exam day and they helped a lot. Thanks TDC!

Alma Nicole Duarte,

Reading the material my second time after failing the L&E ethics allowed me to understand my study style and how to read the questions. Hearing the audios and going back to areas where I failed on the test was helpful. The two most helpful component was the L&E chart, as well TDC staff not giving up on me. I was offered unlimited extension and coaching support.