MFT Exam Prep Reviews

John Buse, MFT

I passed both MFT exams the first time because of the Therapist Development Center. The strategies are simple and right on. I can't say enough great things about the TDC. They are the best!

Angela Coleman, LMFT

The TDC test preparation course was essential to my passing the CV examination. The TDC has this amazing ability to instill confidence in test takers. In addition, the study materials such as the L& E quiz, theory quiz, the frames, as well as the practice vignettes played an absolute crucial role in my test preparation. I would highly recommend to anyone preparing for this exam to obtain the training that is offered at The Therapist Development Center. The TDC is #1 in my books and I highly recommend it.

Shannon Pulsifer, LMFT

I wanted to let you know that I took the CV exam yesterday and passed! Your testing strategies were right on and I flew through the test with confidence! Thank you so much for your information, I truly believe in your program and will be referring all of my work colleagues (I work in an agency) to you. Most testing companies want you to give them at least 6-8 weeks, which is totally bogus. You had me ready in 2 1/2 weeks and I can't thank you enough! It is such a relief to have the whole process completed.

Maria Martinez, MFT

After three times failing the MFT Written Exam, I had to find another way to prepare for the MFT written test.  I needed effective strategies, a process to depend on, instead of straight memorization and reading rationales (that I didn't understand) given from other test companies. 

I used (Aatabs and Gerry Grossman test banks) and after hundreds and hundreds of dollars spent, and hundreds and hundreds of study hours, I didn't succeed with their test preparation methods.  Fortunately, a friend told me about, The Therapist Development Center.  She shared that The Therapist Development Center offered a clear and direct process to pass the exam without spending months on end to study.  

After speaking with the Director of the Therapist Center, I felt confident to use their strategies.  Their method really worked, it was the first time the information processed into my brain! I advise anyone with a process learning issue, to try the Therapist Center.  It made all the difference in the world!  Within five weeks, I took the exam for the fourth time and passed!     

I am now eager to take the Vignette exam......I know I will pass with the support of the Therapist Development Center, they were with me all the way!

Elizabeth Storm, MFT

My experience with the Therapist Development Center was a completely positive one. I had colleagues who had taken a course from a competitor and left feeling like the exam was unpredictable and unfairly written. On the other hand, I left my course confident that I understood what was *really* being asked, and that I would definitely pass on my first try. The methods used by TDC are very different from those used by the bigger companies, and I found them to be much more useful and clear.